반사실적 데이터 증강에 기반한 인과추천모델: CausRec사례

A Causal Recommendation Model based on the Counterfactual Data Augmentation: Case of CausRec

  • 투고 : 2023.06.19
  • 심사 : 2023.08.03
  • 발행 : 2023.08.31


A single-learner model which integrates the user's positive and negative perceptions is proposed by augmenting counterfactual data to the interaction data between users and items, which are mainly used in collaborative filtering in this study. The proposed CausRec showed superior performance compared to the existing NCF model in terms of F1 value and AUC in experiments using three published datasets: MovieLens 100K, Amazon Gift Card, and Amazon Magazine. Compared to the existing NCF model, the F1 and AUC values of CausRec showed 1.2% and 2.6% performance improvement in MovieLens 100K data, and 2.2% and 10% improvement in Amazon Gift Card data, respectively. In particular, in experiments using Amazon Magazine data, F1 and AUC values were improved by 11.7% and 21.9%, respectively, showing a significant performance improvement effect. The performance of CausRec is improved because both positive and negative perceptions of the item were reflected in the recommendation at the same time. It is judged that the proposed method was able to improve the performance of the collaborative filtering because it can simultaneously alleviate the sparsity and imbalance problems of the interaction data.



This work was supported by 2022 Hannam University Research Fund.


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