Results of An Awareness Survey of Local Residents Regarding Biosphere Reserves -A Case Study of the Gwangneung Forest Biosphere Reserve-

생물권보전지역에 대한 지역민 의식조사 연구 -광릉숲 생물권보전지역을 사례로-

  • Chan-Young Park (Major in Landscape Architecture, School of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, Hankyong National University) ;
  • Sung-Jin Yeom (Major in Landscape Architecture, School of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, Hankyong National University)
  • 박찬영 (한경국립대학교 식물자원조경학부 조경학전공) ;
  • 염성진 (한경국립대학교 식물자원조경학부 조경학전공)
  • Received : 2023.10.18
  • Accepted : 2023.11.27
  • Published : 2023.12.31


Since the Industrial Age, economic activities have raised environmental concerns, emphasizing the importance of biodiversity conservation areas. However, a fundamental contradiction exists between conservation and utilization, leading to conflicting interests. In light of these issues, the aim of this study was to propose efficient operational strategies for future urban biodiversity conservation areas, while also promoting local community economic development. Accordingly, the focus was the Gwangneung Forest Biosphere Reserve as a case study. The findings reveal the following. First, all local residents recognize the importance of the biosphere reserve and hold a high regard for its direct role in conservation. Second, developing and promoting brands appears to have a more positive impact on local economic activation than activating projects linked to the biosphere reserve. Simultaneously, local residents have expressed negative evaluations of indiscriminate facility development, fearing reckless expansion. Third, if governance is promoted in the future, community participation will likely increase, leading to a strengthening of conservation awareness and the establishment of a framework among local residents and those in adjacent areas. Findings of this study are expected to serve as fundamental data for establishing effective communication among local residents in protected areas facing similar challenges, thus facilitating efficient decision-making processes.



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