The Independence Activists in the field of Korean Medicine Leading the Anti-Japanese Armed Struggle in the 1920's

1920년대 항일 무장투쟁을 이끈 한의계 독립운동가들

  • Received : 2023.11.06
  • Accepted : 2023.11.21
  • Published : 2023.11.30


Due to Japanese imperialism's invasion of Korea and the policy of exterminating national culture, many independence activists from Korean medicine participated in the Manchurian Independence Army activities and the fight for freedom. Kang Woo-kyu, who threw a bomb at the governor-General of Korea on September 2, 1919, can be cited as a leader who learned East Asian medicine. Kim Kwanje, who organized a secret organization by opening an East Asian medicine clinic in Gimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do, was involved in the struggle of the medical corps while working as a medical student. He is accused of providing a shelter by treating members of the Uiryeoldan. In 1919, the Manchurian Independence Army unit, which launched the March 1st Movement armed struggle, was established, and those who served as military doctors in various organizations can be found. Park Se-jung, who participated as an independent soldier at the age of 47, treated wounded soldiers and patients as a military doctor. A branch office was also created by raising military funds and participating in the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. Jang Hyong was able to raise independent military funds, campaign for the provisional government's independence petition, and lecture across the country mostly disguised as an East Asian medicine doctor, which led to several imprisonments for "fraud charges under the guise of similar medical practices".



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