A Study on the Factors Affecting User Trust and Satisfaction: Focusing on the Online Fashion Curation Services

  • Hohyun Kim (Department of Interaction Science, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Jongtae Lee (Department of Business Administration, Seoul Women's University)
  • Received : 2023.08.23
  • Accepted : 2023.12.07
  • Published : 2023.12.31


Various corporates have launched products and brands to meet the diverse needs of consumers. However, an excess of information and products could be collapsed into a choice paradox far from the intention. As an alternative to these problems, curation-based services have recently been in the limelight and can be adopted into e-commerce sites. As one of the earlier studies on the considerable factors of curation services, this study focuses on the online fashion recommendation system in which design quality, interactivity, and perceived usefulness will affect trust, satisfaction, and continued intention to use. In the result, the design quality factor shows a positive effect on satisfaction, but not on the trust. Also, interactivity doesn't demonstrate a significant positive effect on both the satisfaction and the trust factors far from the previous ones but the perceived usefulness had a positive effect on those. In addition, the personalization does not affect a significant effect on the satisfaction factor but on the trust factor. Subsequently, the trust affects the satisfaction, and the satisfaction on the continued intention to use factor, but trust does not significantly affect the continued intention to use directly.



This work was supported by a sabbatical year (2022) and research grant (2023) from Seoul Women's University.


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