Network, Centrality, and Topic Analysis on Korea's Trade and Economy with Latin America and the Caribbean Area

한국의 중남미 지역연구 네트워크와 중심성 및 무역과 경제에 대한 토픽 변동분석

  • Chae-Deug Yi (Devision of International Trade, Pusan National University)
  • Received : 2022.11.30
  • Accepted : 2022.12.30
  • Published : 2022.12.30


This study aims to analyze Latin America and the Caribbean papers published in Korea during the past 2000-2020 years. Through this study, it is possible to understand the main subject and direction of research in Korea's Latin America and the Caribbean area. As the research mythologies, this study uses the text mining and Social Network Analysis such as frequency analysis, several centrality analyses, and topic analysis. After analyzing the empirical results, there has been a tendency to change the key words and centrality coefficients between 2000-2010 and 2011-2020 years. During 2011-2020 years, the most frequent keywords were changed from Neoliberalism and culture to policy education, and economy related words. The degree and closeness centrality analyses appeared the higher frequency key words. However, the eigenvector centrality appeared very different from the order of frequency key words. The topic analysis shows that the culture, language, and Neoliberalism were the most important keywords during 2000-2010 years but economy, labor trade, industry, development became the most important keywords during 2011-2020 years in topics.



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