Evaluation of Growth Characteristics and Forage Yield of Domestically Bred Silage Corn Varieties

  • Kim, Jong Geun (Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yu, Young Sang (Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Wang, Li Li (Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Li, Yan Fen (Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2022.08.15
  • 심사 : 2022.09.05
  • 발행 : 2022.09.30


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth characteristics and productivity of silage corn varieties developed in Korea. Corn cultivation was carried out using the experimental field in the Pyeongchang campus of Seoul National University (550 m above sea level). There have 10 domestic cultivars (Gwangpyeongok, Dacheongok, Yanganok, Jangdaok, Cheongdaok, Daanok, Sinhwangok, Sinhwangok II, Pyeonggangok, and Hwangdaok) with one imported cultivar (P1543) which tested as a control, and randomized block design with three replications. Among the 100-grains weight of the seeds, Dacheongok was the heaviest, and the germination rate for each variety was 74.6% on average, while that of Daanok and Sinhwangok were over 90%. Sinhwangok was the fastest in tasseling and silking date. The number of days required to be silking date was as slow as 85 days in Dacheongok, Cheongdaok and Pyeonggangok, and as fast as 80 days or less in Sinhwangok, Sinhwangok II and Hwangdaok. The plant height of P1543 was the highest as 344cm, and Hwangdaok and Daanok were short. In terms of the ratio of ears, Daanok had the highest rate of 60.18%, and Jangdaok and Dacheongok had the lowest. There was no significant difference in dry matter content in stover, but P1543 was generally higher in ear and total dry matter content. The dry matter yield was highest in P1543, and the yield of TDN was significantly higher in P1543 and Yanganok. There was a significant difference in the crude protein content of ears and the dry digestibility of stems (p<0.05), while there was no significant difference in the content of each part or element. Combining the above results, Yanganok was the highest in terms of yield, and Dacheongok, Sinhwangok and Pyeonggangok were also recommended for domestically grown corn varieties in the mountainous regions of Gangwon-do.



This research was supported by Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development(Project No. PJ01575202), Rural Development Administration, Republic Korea


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