A study on the estimation of the location of government facilities in Boryeong-hyeon in the Late Joseon Dynasty

조선후기 보령현 읍치시설의 위치추정에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2022.06.22
  • Accepted : 2022.08.03
  • Published : 2022.08.31


This study aims to investigate and reveal the spatial structure of Boryeonghyeon by examining the geographical status of its Eupchi (Local administrative center:邑治) through an analysis of the location, tracing locations of governemnt offices including Dongheon(東軒) and Kaeksa(客舍) in the walled town, and checking the lot numbers of Sajikdan(社稷壇), Yeodan(厲壇), and Cheongyeonyeok(靑淵驛) outside it. Buildings of Boryeonghyeon in the walled town in the Joseon Dynasty were almost lost and now, part of the city wall and Haesanru(海山樓) just remains as relic. The walled town consisted of several buildings of government offices as well as Dongheon and Kaeksa which are government organs. Altar and shrine(壇廟) facilities including Shrine of Confucius(文廟), Altar of Land and Grain, and Preceptor's Shrine were placed outside the walled town and Cheongyeonyeok were operated as the facilities for transmission of royal orders. Therefore, the government office facilities in the walled town, altar and shrine facilities outside the fortress, and the location of the post station were required to trace and check each of them. For the checking method, the lot numbers could be checked by checking the original cadastral maps and the then land categories and owners, analyzing the records and circumstances of the relevant township annals(邑誌), and examining analyses on the locations by using a numerical map of one to 5 thousands. The study estimated the locations of government facilities including Dongheon and Kaesa placed in the walled town and was grasped to be the east and west gates with the south gate which remains now in the fortress. And the lot numbers of Sajikdan, Yeodan, Cheongyeonyeok.



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