A Study on the Development of a Mathematics Teaching and Learning Model for Meta-Affects Activation

수학 교과에서 메타정의를 활성화하는 교수·학습 모델 개발

  • Received : 2022.08.08
  • Accepted : 2022.08.26
  • Published : 2022.08.31


In this study, we tried to devise a method to activate meta-affect in the aspect of supporting mathematics teaching and learning according to the need to find specific strategies and teaching and learning methods to activate learners' meta-affect in mathematics subjects, which are highly influenced by psychological factors. To this end, the definitional and conceptual elements of meta-affect which are the basis of this study, were identified from previous studies. Reflecting these factors, a teaching and learning model that activates meta-affect was devised, and a meta-affect activation strategy applied in the model was constructed. The mathematics teaching and learning model that activates meta-affect developed in this study was refined by verifying its suitability and convenience in the field through expert advice and application of actual mathematics classes. The developed model is meaningful in that it proposed a variety of practical teaching and learning methods that activate the meta-affect of learners in a mathematical learning situation.



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