Deriving Basic Living Service Items and Establishing Spatial Data in Rural Areas

농촌 생활권 기초생활서비스 항목 설정 및 공간데이터 구축을 위한 기초연구

  • 김수연 (국립농업과학원 농촌환경자원과) ;
  • 김상범 (국립농업과학원 농촌환경자원과)
  • Received : 2022.07.10
  • Accepted : 2022.08.12
  • Published : 2022.08.25


This study aims to derive basic living service facility items in rural areas and construct related spatial data. To do this, a literature review on the laws and systems related to the residential environment and services in rural areas, rural spatial planning, and the 'Rural Convention' strategic plan reports for the Jeolla and Gyeongsang Region in 2021 was conducted. Primary data collection and review on the list of basic living service items in rural areas derived from the analysis were conducted. After data collection, 12 sectors and 44 types of rural basic living service items were derived; the data selection was carried out based on the clarity of the subject of data management, whether it was established nationwide, whether it was disclosed and provided, whether it was periodically updated, and whether it was an underlying law. Afterwards, data on the derived rural basic living service items were constructed. Afterwards, spatial data on the derived rural basic living service items were constructed. Because open data provided through various institutions were employed, data structure unification such as data attribute values and code names was needed, and abnormal data such as address errors and omissions were refined. After that, the data provided in text form was converted into spatial data through geocoding, and through comparative review of the distribution status of the converted data and the provided address, spatial data related to rural basic living services were finally constructed for about 540,000 cases. Finally, implications for data construction for diagnosing rural living areas were derived through the data collection and construction process. The derived implications include data unification, data update system establishment, the establishment of attribute values necessary for rural living area diagnosis and spatial planning, data establishment plan for facilities that provide various services, rural living area analysis method, and diagnostic index development. This study is meaningful in that it laid the foundation for data-based rural area diagnosis and rural planning, by selecting the basic rural living service items, and constructing spatial data on the selected items.



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