Determinants Of Patronage Intention Though Omnichannel Retailing

  • OLFA, Bouzaabia (Sousse Higher Commercial Studies Institute, University of Sousse)
  • 투고 : 2022.05.12
  • 심사 : 2022.08.05
  • 발행 : 2022.08.30


Purpose: This study aims to enrich the literature related on Patronage intention in the context of omnichannel in Tunisia. It reveals the determinants of Patronage intention in the fashion retailer context by examining the roles of omnichannel integration quality (IQ), omnichannel perceived value (PV), flexibility, operational logistics service quality (OLSQ) and customer satisfaction. Research design and methodology: A quantitative online survey with 400 customers of fashion retailers was executed. A structural equation modeling approach was applied to test the research hypotheses using AMOS 25 and SPSS 25 software. Results: The findings show that the omnichannel integration quality, omnichannel perceived value, and operational logistics service quality affect play crucial roles in customer satisfaction. A positive relationship between flexibility and operational logistics service quality was also highlighted. And it is also found that a higher omnichannel integration quality led to a higher omnichannel perceived value in the omnichannel retailing context. Furthermore, customer satisfaction within omnichannel retailing can enhance patronage intention. Conclusions: This research adds to the body of knowledge in omnichannel retailing and presents a comprehension of the omnichannel system from the customer's point of view. In addition, this study provides practical implications for omnichannel retailers to improve customer satisfaction and patronage intention.


1. Introduction

Multiple changes have occurred in consumer behavior, retail strategy, and in marketing channels. In particular, the use of digital technology in the physical purchase and distribution of retail products, favors new forms of integration between physical and online channels (so-called omnichannelling) (Fortuna, Risso, & Musso, 2021). Therefore, according to Sorkun, Yumurtaci, Huseyinoglu, and Boruhan (2020) “fashions retailers are making greater efforts to shift from multichannel to omnichannel strategy”.

(online, physical, mobile, etc.) has different advantages, therefore they try to reach their customers using various channels (Levy & Weitz, 2001). Indeed, the customer no longer purchases solely in-store or online; instead, he shops across channels. He does, for example, by searching for information in one channel and completing the purchase in another (Bang, Lee, Han, Hwang, & Ahn, 2013). Therefore, omnichannel distribution supports firms by delivering seamless shopping experiences for customers throughout all touchpoints of the shopping journey (Nguyen, 2021). Also, new customers, as well as new business model, were introduced. It is a consumer 3.0 (Juaned-Avensa, Mosquera, & Sierra Murillo, 2016). He is now seeking a seamlessness and consistency experience when he moves through various channels which are subsequently called omnichannel. It was reported that 76% of the surveyed business leaders regarded the omnichannel strategy as the key business priority, and omnichannel management also ranked 3rd highest on topic importance in service research (Melero, Sese, & Verhoef, 2016). Thus, managing consumers’ behaviors through well developed omnichannel distribution initiatives have become an important element of overall retail strategy (Verhoef, Kannan, & Inman, 2015, p. 176). Omnichannel distribution aims to improve customers ‘experience; therefore, limited studies focus on consumer perspective (Manser, Peltier, & Barger, 2017). Indeed, Shi, Wang, Chen, and Zhang (2020) state that “despite the recent surge of research on this emerging topic, current work focusing on the consumers’ perspective of omnichannel retailing remains limited and sporadic”.

Logistics is the backbone of any omnichannel strategy (Kanchi, Khilji, Balasubramanian, Kalyanam, & Abrol, 2014) and the source of customer satisfaction (Subramanian, Gunasekaran, Cheng, & Ning, 2014). Many studies related to logistics service quality and customer satisfaction have been conducted by Murfield, Boone, Rytner, and Thomas (2017) expounded that retailers must get customer satisfaction by assessing condition, availability, and timeliness. Another study by Sorkun et al. (2020) states the importance of logistics service quality within omnichannel management. Moreover, omnichannel retailers provide customers with a seamless purchasing experience across all channels (Saghiri, Wilding, Mena, & Bourlakis, 2017). Channel integration quality is the key to managing customer relationships across channels (Payne & Frow, 2004) and lies at the heart of omnichannel retailing (Lee, Chan, Chong, & Thadanu, 2019). Also, flexibility is vital in omnichannel distribution due to the greater number of options offered during the order fulfillment process (Wollenburg, Holzapfel, & Hubner, 2019). So, retailers must be flexible to create customer satisfaction (Jafari, Nyberg, & Hilletofth, 2016) and patronage intention.

Therefore, this research investigates determinants of patronage intention in an omnichannel environment, namely integration quality, perceived value, flexibility, operational logistics service quality and customer satisfaction; This research is conducted in the fashion retailing context. The analysis is therefore based on a sample of 400 retail customers. The present study takes the first step in developing a better understanding of the determinant of patronage intention in an omnichannel retailing context. Based on our study, retail store managers could emphasize in-store logistics operations, to better delivered omnichannel service retailing could be perceived by their customers and increase customer satisfaction which is enhancing patronage intention because it is critical for profitability and the success of the business This paper is structured as follows; we

This paper is structured as follows; we first present the concepts addressed, our research hypotheses, and the research model. We then describe the method and present the main results. Finally, we conclude with discussing the findings, implications for both research and practice, limitations, and research opportunities.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Omnichannel Retailing

Buying behavior has been altered to the point that we have new consumers that who not only do they buy more online, but they question their visit to stores unless they have a compelling reason. So, retailers must rethink their business strategy with a focusing on consumer preferences. Considering that the customer will go through different channels: online store, point of sale, and email, but it also includes marketplace presence, selling on social media, and partnering with last-mile delivery services, omnichannel is imperative to offer the best experience for customers. According to Shi et al. (2020), omnichannel distribution has brought a new face to the traditional retailing sector by connecting multiple different retailing channels. Therefore, Omnichannel retailing, provides customers with the best seamless experience digital and physical that retailers can offer (Verhoef et al., 2015; Yrjölä, Spence, & Saarijärvi, 2018). Thus, it enables merchants to identify, gather, and analyze vast amounts of information regarding consumers, products, interactions, physical surroundings, shopping context, and change in motions. The biggest challenge today in omnichannel is getting the supply chain right. In particular, ensuring that the store plays an integral part in the supply chain to deliver to and handle returns from customers.

From the customer’s point of view, customers can move freely among channels within a single transaction process (Melero et al., 2016). Customers can receive further benefits (information visibility, cost and time savings, and convenience) (Yrjölä, Saarijarvi, & Nummela, 2018). Additionally, customers can trip synergy between channels, and integration can be fully controlled by retailers (Beck & Rygl, 2015). Thanks to the omnichannel system, data is integrated and shared between all channels (Mirsch, Lehrer, & Jung, 2016). Therefore, retailers adopt synergistic management with cross-cutting goals (e.g., total channel sales, overall retail customer experience, etc.) (Verhoef et al. 2015). Hence retailers should adopt a consistent method to increase customer satisfaction in the omnichannel management literature (Kang, Majer, & Kim, 2019).

2.2. Omnichannel Quality Integration

According to Le and Le (2020) channel integration quality is commonly regarded as a critical factor determining the ability of omnichannel retailers to manage customer relationships across channels. So, the integration of channels is essential in omnichannel retailing for retailers (Bendoly, Blocher, Bretthaurer, Krishnan and Venkataramanan, 2005), so they must invest in channel integration to offer a seamless shopping experience to their customers (Cao & Li, 2015). Sousa and Voss (2006) defined quality channel integration as giving customers a seamless and unified service experience across different channels. In this sense, channel integration refers to the coordination between the multiple forms of interaction used by a business such as websites, physical stores, and ultimately other channels (Seck & Philippe, 2013) to deliver an experience transparent to a customer during his interaction with the company without disruptions (Goersch, 2002). Saghiri et al. (2017) defined omnichannel integration from three angles: “integration between channel stages, as customers can easily move between all channel stages during their interaction process without any confusion, loss of control, or inconsistency in information relating to the product or service received; integration between different types of channels to ensure close collaboration between the different types of channels used by the business, such as online, offline and mobile channels to result in synchronized operations and decisions; and integration between channel agents, which means that the information sent and the products and/or services offered by the different agents in a channel are the same”.

“This new approach of Channel integration quality emphasizes the idea that consumers can access online information about products in the store even physical contact with very diverse information, including promotions, price, and negotiation. Also, for example, the consumer is searching for information about a product in an online channel and then purchasing the product in an offline channel (i.e., webrooming) or vice and versa (i.e., showrooming) has become a common shopping behavior among consumers (Verhoef et al., 2015; Verhoef, Neslin, & Vroomen, 2007). This shows the importance of the fusion between online and offline sales model, as well as the synergy between these two models” (Tjhin, Abbas, Kosola, & Buduastuti, 2016). Omnichannel integration quality aims to provide customer benefits of the advantages of each channel used by removing cannibalization and creating some synergy among channels, which contribute to increasing the performance of the firm (Shen, Li, Sun, & Wang, 2018).

2.3. Customer Satisfaction

New customers were introduced, and they expect and demand a seamless shopping journey without disruptions (Piotrowicz & Cuthbertson, 2014). Therefore, customer satisfaction is the goal of every company in general and retailers in particular. Paying attention to increasing customer satisfaction is instrumental in the world of business competition. Retailers with high customer satisfaction tend to be superior to competitors (Syafarudin, 2021).

It is often viewed as an overall judgment of performance (Oliver, 1997), whether focused on satisfaction with a product, service, or retailer. Customers feel more satisfied as they can purchase additional items from a trusted retailer, which saves their time and enhances the overall shopping experience (Hossain, Akter, Kattiyapornpong, & Dwivedi, 2020)

In multichannel settings, the Integration Quality of channels has been considered the main determinant of customer satisfaction (Sousa & Voss, 2006). Moreover, customers who can use the channels seamlessly are more likely to feel satisfied (Xu & Jackson, 2019). (Xu & Jackson, 2019). More precisely, Juaneda-Ayensa, Mosquera and Murillo (2016) argued that “customer satisfaction in an omnichannel context would be greater as the perception of the quality of the channel’s integration is high”. Also Seck and Philippe (2013) also pointed out that channel integration quality positively influences customers' overall satisfaction. These assumptions lead us to develop the following hypothesis:

H1: There is a positive relationship between omnichannel IQ and customer satisfaction in omnichannel retailing.

2.4. Omnichannel Flexibility

Flexibility is a key priority for retailers because it makes it easy to achieve seamless shopping for customers. According to (Gerwin, 1987), flexibility can respond effectively to changing circumstances. Also, Skipper and Hanna (2009) propose that flexibility is the capability of managing, resolving, and adapting to unexpected, new, or changing requirements. It is the foundation of competence for customer-facing flexibility (Zhang, Vonderembse, & Lim, 2002). From an omnichannel retailer’s perspective flexibility is vital due to the higher number of alternatives offered throughout the commanded processing (Wollenburg et al., 2019).

Customers purchase online and obtain products either in store or via direct customer deliveries, in this regard fashion retailers need to be flexible to create customer satisfaction (Jafari et al., 2016). So flexibility involves logistics flexibility and Information Technology application flexibility (Langley & Holcomb, 1992; Shi & Daniels, 2003) These flexibilities make the retailer responsive to customer uncertainty regarding information inquiries and products requests.

Customers benefit from the flexibility of changing payment options and canceled orders. In addition, depending on the flexibility, the merchant may allow the final confirmation of the order, allowing the consumer to add, delete and/or change product features. In addition, the consumer can request changes in the delivery points and delivery time windows. So, in the case of omnichannel retailing, we can postulate the following hypothesis:

H2: Flexibility affects customer satisfaction positively in omnichannel retailing

2.5. Operational Logistics Service Quality

Recent studies showed the impact of logistics service quality on customer satisfaction (Cao, Ajjan, & Hong, 2018; Murfield et al., 2017; Sorkum et al., 2020; Restuputri, Indriani, & Masudin 2021). Therefore, it is necessary to examine how logistics service quality influences customer satisfaction because it can change due to various conditions (Restuputri et al., 2021). “When the customers decide where to buy or if they have to return to a retailer, logistics service quality plays an important role” (Bienstock, Mantzer, & Bird, 1997; Rafiq & Jaafar, 2007). Therefore, especially in the retailing context, operational logistics service quality plays an important tool in improving customer satisfaction. Indeed, Xing, Grant, and McKinnon, (2010) and Frankel et al. (2008) pointed out that have been calls for more research examining “consumer satisfaction” as an outcome of logistics operations (Xing et al., 2010; Frankel, Blumole, & Gundlach, 2008). Hence, this research focuses on the consumer’s perspective of operational logistics service quality and how it impacts consumer satisfaction in an omnichannel environment.

According to the definition of Bouzaabia, Bouzaabia and Capitina (2013, p. 635), operational logistics service quality is “the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately”. Also, according to, Murfield et al. (2017), LSQ is conceptualized as composed of three dimensions availability, timeliness (of delivery), and product condition. These three dimensions of LSQ are consistent with recent research on logistics service quality in B2C contexts. Furthermore, these logistics service elements enhance customer satisfaction in e-commerce; thus, customer satisfaction results from omnichannel management based on a well-designed logistics system (Ma, 2017).

Wollenburg et al. (2019) affirm that operations are key in omnichannel retailing as they directly contact customers. So, “in the case of non-conforming products, consumers are more likely to experience the satisfactory resolution of discrepancies via the easy return of products through any channel” (Weber &Weiss, 2018). Thus, it is important to provide seamless flow across channels by offering services such as “order in-store, deliver home”, “click and collect”, “click and reserve,” and “order online, return to store” (Piotrowicz & Cuthbertson, 2014). Hence, “regardless of the channels consumers use to purchase or return a product, effective logistics performance issues strengthen customer satisfaction towards the retailer”.

Sricharoenpramong (2018) explained that the quality of operations service from source to the customer must be well- coordinated, on time, and with appropriate transportation capacity. No damage occurs to the customer’s property. We propose to test this hypothesis in omnichannel retailing:

H3: Operational LSQ affects customer satisfaction positively in omnichannel retailing.

Omnichannel shoppers need retailers to fulfill orders in multiple ways (Wollenburg, Holzapfel, Hubner, & Kuhn, 2018). Hence, internal flexibility is the foundation of customer-facing flexibility (Zhang et al., 2002). Shi and Daniels (2003) pointed out that Internal flexibility involves logistics flexibility and IT application flexibility. These flexibilities make the retailers responsive to customer uncertainty in terms of locations, information inquiry, and product requests (Jin & Oriaku, 2013). Indeed, an omnichannel shopper search for flexibility during all the buying process, that is, searching the knowledge of any change of product availability, needs the option to make changes in their command before delivery, and demands after-sale service customer (Jin & Oriaku, 2013). Hence providing a high operational LSQ requires flexibility (Xu & Jackson, 2019). Accordingly, this hypothesis is as follows:

H4: Flexibility positively affects operational LSQ in omnichannel retailing.

2.6. Perceived Value

The perceived value created in a multichannel context has become an essential subject for academics and practitioners. It represents “customers’ overall assessment of the benefits they receive from using multichannel to fulfill their needs considering the various costs and sacrifices associated with using such channel systems” (Kabadayi, Loureiro, & Carnevale, 2017). For instance, according to Hsiao, Yen, and Li (2012), the value created, including saving money, time and effort, customers to use multiple channels. Gentile, Spiller, and Noci (2007) find that high quality multichannel integration, which presents a seamless customer experience, would increase customers' perceived value. Also, high-quality channel integration may mean that customer information is synced effectively between channels, and since, as a result, customer information would be readily available via each channel in real-time (Kabadayi et al., 2017). Therefore, we suggest examining this relationship in the case of omnichannel retailing, especially since the omnichannel system allows the customer to take advantage of channel-specific benefits and avoid channel specific sacrifices throughout their shopping process (Chatterjee, 2010). To this end o, the following hypothesis is formulated:

H5: There is a positive relationship between omnichannel Integration Quality and the perceived customer value in omnichannel retailing.

The customer’s perceived value is the difference between the benefits and costs. McDougall and Levesque (2000) posit that perceived value is a key determinant of customer satisfaction and contend that perceived value should be included in customer satisfaction models. Carlson et al. (2015) considered a positive link was established between the PV of the muti-channel and the satisfaction formed by the customers. Hence, Huré, Picot-Coupey and Ackemann (2017), propose that this would also be valid in an omnichannel context. So, we present the following hypothesis:

H6: There is a positive relationship between omnichannel Perceived Value and customer satisfaction in omnichannel retailing.

Figure 1: Proposed research model

2.7. Patronage Intention

Many studies have concluded that customer satisfaction correlates with consumer patronage intention (Udo, Bagchi, & Kirs, 2010). Moreover, in a multichannel environment, researchers highlighted empirically that consumers with a higher level of satisfaction with their shopping experiences, will have a stronger intention to purchase (Nguyen, 2021). So, according to Yang, Lu, and Chau (2013) customers who are satisfied with one channel will continue to shop in this channel and in other channels that belong to the same retailer So we assert:

H7: Consumer satisfaction is positively associated with patronage intention.

3. Methodology

3.1. Design and Sample

To reach the study’s objectives and verify the hypothesized relationships, a quantitative study was conducted with Tunisian consumers of fashion retailers. A survey was prepared to collect data from a consumer perspective. According to Huré et al. (2017), consumers in omnichannel retailing are best positioned to assess the degree of integration across channels. In addition, several fashion retailers in Tunisia turn to omnichannel to satisfy their customers.

A hyperlink to the survey form has been posted infrequently visited Facebook fashion groups. A message above this link defined a fashion retailer as a retailer specializing in selling accessories and apparel and asked participants to complete the questionnaire.

Hence, convenience sampling was employed; a hyperlink to the survey form was posted infrequently visited Facebook and Instagram fashion groups. Consumers were requested to give responses considering they previously shopped from any particular fashion retailer they had shopped. Additionally, the instruction to respondents mentioned at the beginning of the questionnaire was to choose a retailer from which they frequently shop to prevent inadequate assessments.

Before the final data collection, a pre-test was conducted among 20 customers to identify and eliminate any overly complex or ambiguous items. Furthermore, we stressed that there were no right or wrong answers and that we were looking for the solutions that best described the respondents’ specific experiences. Empirical data were collected from 400 customers, the sample is described in Table I.

Moreover, Harman’s single-factor test was conducted to identify a potential common method bias. The first factor that emerged accounted for 21.357% of the variance in the variables. This rate is below 50%, so, then common method bias is not an issue in this study (Harman, 1976).

3.2. Measures

All scales are taken from existing literature. They were initially written in the English language. Double-back translation was used to assure equivalence of meaning. The instruments used to measure omni-channel integration quality and omni-channel Perceived Value were adapted from Kabadayi et al. (2017). In order to measure overall satisfaction, the scale of Cronin, Brady, and Hult (2000) was adopted. Flexibility was adopted from Cannon and Homburg (2001) and Noordewier, John, and Nevin (1990). Thus, operational logistics service was adopted from Bouzaabia et al. (2013). We also adopted 3 items for measuring patronage intention based on Kim, Ferrin and Rao. (2008). All items were assessed using a five-point Likert scale with the endpoints “strongly agree” and “strongly disagree”. (see appendices)

4. Results

The socio-demographi descriptive statistics of the sample are represented in the following table:

Table 1: Sample demographic characteristics

4.1. Measurement Model

Two stages have been used in the present study to check the validity of the measurement model. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) has been employed to conduct principal component analyses with SPSS25.0 software and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS 25 to test reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. Based on Table 2. All Cronbach’ss alpha values are satisfactory and higher than the recommended level of 0.7 (Nunnally, 1978), indicating that the correlation between items for each measurement is reliable. Hence, results show that the AVE is greater than 0.5 overall (Fornell & Larcker, 1981) indicating a strong convergent validity.

Table 2: Consistency reliability & convergent validity

Regarding discriminant validity, Table 3 confirms that the discriminant validity is well established, as the square root of AVE for each construct is greater than the correlation coefficient of the other constructs (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Also, we have calculated the variance inflation factor (VIF) to check possible multi-collinearity problems. Multicollinearity means too much correlation between independent variables; Hair, Anderson, Tatham and Black (1998) suggest the criteria threshold of 10. So the resultant VIF values for omnichannel PV=1.265; Omni-channel Integration Quality = 1.502; Flexibility=3.023 and Operational Logistics Service Quality= 2.05 so we conclude that there is no issue with multi-collinearity.

Table 3: Discriminant validity

4.2. Structural Model

The major fit indices value are all satisfactory and in their perspective norms which demonstrates that the model provides an acceptable fit to data: (χ2/df = 1.515 < (5); RMSEA = 0.034 < (0.10); GFI = 0.927 > (0.9); AGIF = 0.907 > (0.9); TLI =0.958 > (0.9); C FI = 0.964>(0.9); NFI = 0.902 > (0.9).

To test the research hypotheses, regression coefficient (β), critical ratio (CR >1.96), and P-statics (p-value<0.001) were examined. The following table 4. presents the results of the hypotheses test. Accordingly, the result supported the H1 that integration

Table 4: Hypotheses testing

Accordingly, the result supported the H1 that integration quality positively affects customer satisfaction (β= 0.467, p<0.001). However, flexibility did not significantly affect customer satisfaction (β=0.075, p<0.001), so H2 was rejected. They also confirmed the hypotheses (H3 and H6) that operational logistics service quality (β=0.950, p<0.001) and perceived value (β= 0.765; p<0.001) have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. In addition, H4 which suggests flexibility positively affects operational logistics service quality in an omnichannel retailing context was also supported (β=0.355, p<0.001). Lastly, the result supported the hypotheses H5 and H7 (β=0.9542, p<0.001) (β=0.855, p<0.001) that integration quality positively affects perceived value and Customer satisfaction positively affects patronage intention.

5. Discussion

The findings of our study provide strong evidence that omnichannel retailing integration quality positively influences customer satisfaction. In a multichannel context, it was supported that integration quality is recognized as a driver of customer satisfaction (Seck & Philippe, 2013). So, in omnichannel retailing, our study reveals that a higher level of perceived integration quality among channels leads to higher customer satisfaction.

Contrary to our expectations, the finding of our research reveals that there is no significant relationship between flexibility and customer satisfaction. However, in Sorkun et al. (2020) study only for fashion retailers' flexibility is significant in explaining operational LSQ and customer satisfaction. This could be explained because flexibility could only indirectly influence customer satisfaction through operational LSQ.

Moving forward, our findings provide statistical evidence of an expected significant impact of Operational LSQ on customer satisfaction. This result is coherent with the findings obtained by Sorkun et al. (2020) and Restuputri et al. (2021). The authors explain this result by arguing that in omnichannel retailing, the positive effects of LSQ (delivery time, availability, order condition) are highlighted. For example, Kim et al. (2008) argue that customers who buy online, can also go to an offline store and directly deal with problems about delivery or after-sales service”.

According to Cocco and Demoulin (2020), the nervousness was high, and customers perceived fast delivery as a good criterion to evaluate the businesses.

Our study results showed that flexibility positively affects Operational Logistics Service Quality (OLSQ). This result aligns with the finding of past studies, such as that of Sokun et al. (2020). This later study demonstrated a similar outcome to our finding among fashion retailers. Another highlight from our result is the significant positive effects of omnichannel IQ on omnichannel PV, Verfoef, Kannan and Inman (2015) explained this by the fact that customer is looking to use the channel according to their convenience. He expects omnichannel management is integrating the channels, thus providing him with a seamless retail experience and simpler for him to move between channels at any point.

Another interesting finding is that omnichannel PV positively affects customer satisfaction. It has been argued that PV influences significant customer satisfaction (Yang & Peterson, 2004).

In addition, a positive relationship between satisfaction and patronage intention, which has been reported in previous studies (Zhang, Reng, Wang, & He, 2018), was also found in this study. In an omni-channel retailing environment, there was a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and consumer patronage intention. Because an increase in satisfaction has been shown to result in increased final purchase decision and conversely (Nguyen, 2021).

6. Conclusion and Implications

Omnichannel retailing and the management of omnichannel distribution have attracted academics and practitioners by understanding the determinant of patronage intention and knowing how to enhance customer satisfaction and patronage intention. To this end, a theoretical model was conceived to study the relationship between omnichannel Integration quality, customer satisfaction, the perceived value of omnichannel, flexibility, operational logistics service quality and patronage intention. An empirical investigation was carried out on Tunisian retail customers.

6.1. Theoretical Implications

The literature has shown that channel attributes affect consumer behavior (Verhoef et al., 2015). As an extension, our research demonstrates the critical role of omnichannel integration quality, omnichannel perceived value and operational logistics service quality in eliciting customer satisfaction and consumer patronage intention.

Moreover, this study is among the first to explain the omnichannel context from the consumer point of view, which is an insufficiently explored topic in omnichannel research. Indeed, logistics service quality has played a key role in customer satisfaction and consumer behavior in both contexts, namely B-To-B and B-To-C, but research in omnichannel areas is lacking. Furthermore, this study shows clearly the importance of Operational LSQ on customer satisfaction omnichannel retailing because customers give more importance to the retailer’s ability to meet changing order fulfillment needs.

6.2. Practical Implications

Based on the previous findings, practical implications could be provided to retailing managers in order to better understand and improve customer satisfaction in omnichannel retailing.

This study shows that omni-channel integration leads to a high level of customer perception of value and improves customer satisfaction. To achieve this, the retailer must have an accurate customer database and its integration among all channels used to coordinate these data. To attend this, all channels should support each other to ensure a seamless flow between channels, and customers can easily switch from one channel to another. For example, a customer can check in-store product availability and reserve products online to purchase them in the physical store. Alternatively, they can return the products purchased online to a physical store (Herhausen, Binder, Schoegel, & Hermann, 2015). Another implication can be provided to enhance customers to switch from one channel to another by providing a link after each transaction, which contributes to improving the perception of the coordination and providing them a seamless experience across all channels. The quality of channel integration needs collaboration with all omnichannel systems such as employees, customers, and channels to provide a combined shopping experience based on the customer’s viewpoint, creating perceived value and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Moreover, this study’s finding suggests that the omnichannel's flexibility does not impact satisfaction, but it positively affects operational logistics service quality. Hence customers require retailers to fulfill orders in multiple ways (Wollenburg et al., 2018) and desire to know product availability and order tracking; retailers must implement centralized inventory management and integrated information systems to synchronize across channels. Customers in omnichannel can return online purchases; this may lead to a more seamless experience and motivate consumers to use omnichannel systems.

Finally, this study consolidates the fact in an omnichannel retailing context, which provides a useful decision-making for retailers to use the omni-channel retailing favorably. Thus to better understand the degree to which operational logistics service quality can be customized to the customers’ needs, Retailers should have control over the planning and execution of the logistics operation and should thus be able to affect customers perceived operational logistics service quality (Bouzaabia et al., 2013), by a better channel integration understanding the customers’, employees and channels.

7. Limitations and Future Research

Despite the new insights this study provides, this study has some limitations. First, our quantitative survey is conducted in a specific country and focuses on the retailing context. Consequently, future research should be conducted in other business sectors (e.g. Banking Sector) to compare results and to improve the generalisability of the findings of this study.

Secondly, future research could be replicated in other countries like France and Romania, specifically those with different cultural, social, and economic environments, to discover the responses’ differences. And to determine the nature and implications of cultural gaps on customers’ satisfaction and patronage intention. 

Thirdly, the sample was constrained to the Tunisian context, which could affect the generalizability of the findings. Also, the mediator effects have not been tested in this study because it was preliminary research to understand omni-channel distribution from a customer perspective. So, future research should explore this issue and study these potential mediating effects.

Finally, it is necessary to add additional variables that may influence customer satisfaction, like perceived risk, and customer empowerment which could be interesting to enrich the proposed model in future studies.


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