Insights gained from applying negate-down during quantification for seismic probabilistic safety assessment

  • Kim, Ji Suk (Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Chung-Ang University) ;
  • Kim, Man Cheol (Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Chung-Ang University)
  • Received : 2020.07.29
  • Accepted : 2022.03.12
  • Published : 2022.08.25


Approximations such as the delete-term approximation, rare event approximation, and minimal cutset upper bound (MCUB) need to be prudently applied for the quantification of a seismic probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) model. Important characteristics of seismic PSA models indicate that preserving the success branches in a primary seismic event tree is necessary. Based on the authors' experience in modeling and quantifying plant-level seismic PSA models, the effects of applying negate-down to the success branches in primary seismic event trees on the quantification results are summarized along with the following three insights gained: (1) there are two competing effects on the MCUB-based quantification results: one tending to increase and the other tending to decrease; (2) the binary decision diagram does not always provide exact quantification results; and (3) it is identified when the exact results will be obtained, and which combination provides more conservative results compared to the others. Complicated interactions occur in Boolean variable manipulation, approximation, and the quantification of a seismic PSA model. The insights presented herein can assist PSA analysts to better understand the important theoretical principles associated with the quantification of seismic PSA models.



This work was supported by grants from the Nuclear Safety Research Program of the Korea Foundation of Nuclear Safety, granted financial resource from the Multi-Unit Risk Research Group (MURRG), with funding by the Korean government's Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (Grant Code: 1705001) and the Nuclear Research & Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea, with funding by the Korean government's Ministry of Science and ICT [grant number NRF-2017M2B2B1071973].


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