• Received : 2021.02.06
  • Accepted : 2022.01.19
  • Published : 2022.07.31


We characterize a three-dimensional Riemannian manifold endowed with a type of semi-symmetric metric P-connection. At first, it is proven that if the metric of such a manifold is a gradient m-quasi-Einstein metric, then either the gradient of the potential function 𝜓 is collinear with the vector field P or, λ = -(m + 2) and the manifold is of constant sectional curvature -1, provided P𝜓 ≠ m. Next, it is shown that if the metric of the manifold under consideration is a gradient 𝜌-Einstein soliton, then the gradient of the potential function is collinear with the vector field P. Also, we prove that if the metric of a 3-dimensional manifold with semi-symmetric metric P-connection is a gradient 𝜔-Ricci soliton, then the manifold is of constant sectional curvature -1 and λ + 𝜇 = -2. Finally, we consider an example to verify our results.



We would like to thank the referee and editor for reviewing the paper carefully and their valuable comments to improve the quality of the paper.


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