Homomorphic Encryption as End-to-End Solution for Smart Devices

  • Shanthala, PT (Department of Computer Science & Engg., PESIT-Bangalore South campus, Visveswaraya Technological University) ;
  • Annapurna, D (Department of CSE and ISE, PESIT-Bangalore South campus) ;
  • Nittala, Sravanthi (N.R. PESIT-Bangalore South campus Bengaluru) ;
  • Bhat, Arpitha S (N.R. PESIT-Bangalore South campus Bengaluru) ;
  • Aishwarya, Aishwarya (N.R. PESIT-Bangalore South campus Bengaluru)
  • Received : 2022.06.05
  • Published : 2022.06.30


The recent past has seen a tremendous amount of advancement in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), allowing the influx of a variety of devices into the market. IoT devices are present in almost every aspect of our daily lives. While this increase in usage has many advantages, it also comes with many problems, including and not limited to, the problem of security. There is a need for better measures to be put in place to ensure that the users' data is protected. In particular, fitness trackers used by a vast number of people, transmit important data regarding the health and location of the user. This data is transmitted from the fitness device to the phone and from the phone onto a cloud server. The transmission from device to phone is done over Bluetooth and the latest version of Bluetooth Light Energy (BLE) is fairly advanced in terms of security, it is susceptible to attacks such as Man-in-the-Middle attack and Denial of Service attack. Additionally, the data must be stored in an encrypted form on the cloud server; however, this proves to be a problem when the data must be decrypted to use for running computations. In order to ensure protection of data, measures such as end-to-end encryption may be used. Homomorphic encryption is a class of encryption schemes that allow computations on encrypted data. This paper explores the application of homomorphic encryption for fitness trackers.



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