Application of the IoT Concept in the Field of Medical Devices: Development of a Prototype of a Mechanotherapeutic Simulator and Software for Its Control

  • Received : 2022.06.05
  • Published : 2022.06.30


The article discusses the application of the IoT concept in the sensitive field of medical devices on the example of a developed prototype of a mechanotherapeutic simulator. Mechanotherapy is a complex of therapeutic, preventive, and restorative exercises conducted using simulators, specially designed for developing movements in individual joints. Mechanotherapy is used for the early and painless restoration of joint mobility, to prevent complications associated with prolonged immobilization of the injured area of extremities. Using the mechanotherapy simulator allows developing the joint painlessly, which accelerates the metabolism in the injured area, and soft tissues are restored to normal. The article provides information about the electronic components that ensure the wireless operation of the device and describes in detail the applied software as well as the client application for a mobile device.



The work was carried out with the support of the world-class scientific and educational center "Russian Arctic: New materials, technologies, and research methods".


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