Analysis of the Effects of Satisfaction with Job Participation on Psychological Adaptation of the Elderly

  • 투고 : 2022.04.18
  • 심사 : 2022.06.02
  • 발행 : 2022.06.30


This study tried to find various alternatives to live the rest of life positively by examining whether satisfaction with work in old age has a positive effect on psychological adjustment in old age. Using the 15th (2020) data of the Korea Welfare Panel Study (KOWEPS), 117 men and 355 women were analyzed as a sample to verify the effect of job participation satisfaction among the elderly on psychological adjustment. The results of the regression analysis in this paper (F=11.680, p<.001) were analyzed to be significant. The results showed gender (β=-.192, p<.001), age (β=2.004, p<.001), and job participation satisfaction (β=-3.726, p<.001). Therefore, it was found to have an effect on psychological adaptation. In terms of gender, it was found that men had higher psychological adaptability than women, and that the lower the age, the higher the psychological adaptability. As a result, it was confirmed that the elderly's job participation is a simple economic part of the elderly, and the psychologically positive influence increased. The higher the job participation satisfaction, the higher the psychological adaptability.



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