A case report of secondary infection by Vibrio splendidus associated with gas bubble disease in syngnathid fishes (Syngnathus schlegeli and Hippocampus haema)

  • Kang, Gyoungsik (Department of Marine Biology and Aquaculture, College of Marine Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Choi, Kwang-Min (Department of Marine Biology and Aquaculture, College of Marine Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Joo, Min-Soo (Department of Marine Biology and Aquaculture, College of Marine Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Woo, Won-Sik (Department of Marine Biology and Aquaculture, College of Marine Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Park, Chan-Il (Department of Marine Biology and Aquaculture, College of Marine Science, Gyeongsang National University)
  • Received : 2021.09.08
  • Accepted : 2021.11.23
  • Published : 2022.01.30


Seahorses, which have been cultivated since the 2000s, are economically very important. Gas bubble disease (GBD) is a significant concern in the cultivation of seahorses; therefore, this study aimed to determine the cause of GBD-induced death in two species of Syngnathidae (Syngnathus schlegeli and Hippocampus haema). Rod-shaped bacteria were observed histopathologically and identified as Vibrio splendidus by conventional and real-time PCR analyses. The lethality of V. splendidus varies depending on the host's immune status, and the disease can be prevented through water quality management or improvement of the breeding environment. In this study, the GBD lesions (gas bubbles) were observed at 12℃, 8.0 mg/L of dissolved oxygen, 30 ppt of salinity, and pH 7.7. In addition, rod-shaped bacteria, infiltration of inflammatory cells, and extensive serous exudate were confirmed in the lesions where gas bubbles were found. PCR analysis was able to detect V. splendidus, possibly a secondary infection of the immunocompromised syngnathid fish. Understanding the risk of immunity control and the correlation between these lesions and causal agents will be of great help to the aquaculture industry and the ornamental fish market.



This research was supported by a 'Development of rapid and sensitive diagnostic methods for the quarantine of aquatic animals', funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea.


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