1. Introduction
The health sector is a unique industry, most closely related to human life and health. Performing health care requires many different types of resources, whereas human resources are the most important of all. The organization must possess teams of employees with the knowledge, skills, and working attitudes consistent with the self-proposed mission (Bidisha & Mukulesh, 2013). The organization must also always find suitable and effective methods to attract, develop and retain talents (Muhammed et al., 2021). This is the premise for sustainable development.
In the current context of the health sector in Vietnam, private hospitals are competing hard with public hospitals in terms of quality and size. However, we can affirm that human resources determine the total quantity and quality of health care activities and services. In addition to modern technologies, business processes, and management systems, leaders also focus on building human resources to make a difference in service experiences and quality of medical examination and treatment to promote the position of the private healthcare system in the market. A hospital with talented staff will easily create a reputation and prestige in the industry (Quan & Trang, 2015). Attracting talent to the hospital is difficult, yet increasing the level of attachment of this team to the hospital is another challenge. Because excellent employees are always headhunted, they understand their values, and they also have many opportunities to shift their jobs to the competitors in the market. Retaining good staff is certainly a good option for the hospital’s sustainable development (Huong et al., 2021).
Family General Hospital has its development foundation from the Family Doctor Center, which was established in 2003. Family Hospital has pioneered in bringing home medical examination and treatment services in Vietnam. From the Center for family health care, Family Hospital has now grown into a modern hospital with a scale of 250 beds and a full range of specialties (19 departments and 3 centers). Family General Hospital has become a prestigious private medical facility in Da Nang city and the Central and Central Highlands regions of Vietnam. However, it is a fact that the number of employees leaving jobs over the years is still high, reaching the average turnover rate of 10% of the total number of employees recruited. Thus, finding out what factors affect employee engagement and how HR policies affect work motivation and employee satisfaction is critical to creating a premise for retaining high-quality resources for the Hospital.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Talented Staff
An employee is a specific person who holds a certain position in a company or organization. Talented employees are those who have the ability to outperform others without trying too hard to do it, and they stand out easily (Govaerts, 2015). A talented person with outstanding qualities and abilities is able to take on a difficult or complex job or field of activity and can achieve high-quality results, sometimes the highest in a certain range. Talented personnel is those with broad knowledge, high intelligence, and professional skills (Irshad, 2014). Talent is someone with high professional qualifications, professional ethics, and good human qualities, and is respected by wisdom and scientific working methods (Sinha & Sinha, 2012). They have good ideas while being business executives; they are able to come up with innovative initiatives or solve problems in a timely manner that arise in business operations (Schuler et al., 2011).
We can conclude that talented personnel are people with high professional qualifications, professional ethics, good human qualities, scientific working methods, the ability to generate timely and appropriate ideas at each moment in business activities, and high-value creation for the organization.
2.2. Talented Staff Retention
To the authors, academics have many views on retaining talented employees. Talent retention is the ability of a company to retain valuable employees who contribute to the success of the organization as a mutually beneficial relationship (Khalid, 2011). Talent retention is one of the factors affecting the overall labor mobility of employees in an organization, the other factor being employee turnover can be seen as the other side of the trend (Okioga, 2012). Moreover, retaining talents requires managers to consider ensuring that talented people always want to contribute and commit to the organization, bringing out their full potential for the organization (Kossivi et al., 2016). Retaining talents needs to create opportunities for them to develop ideas so that they can actively work, and ensure working conditions, affecting employee loyalty and commitment (Mohammed, 2015). Retaining talents is the fact that managers, through human resource policies, affect talented people, making them feel like they want to stick with the organization, willing to give their best efforts for the achievement of the common organization’s goals. This is the key factor in creating outstanding results.
2.3. The Role of Retaining Talented Staff in the Development of Hospitals
Among the resources that create competitive advantages, human resources are the most difficult to imitate. Boninnelli and Meyers (2004) stated that talented personnel is the key to the competitive advantages of the company, and creating a well-developed talent pool will benefit the organization and meet current and future challenges. A high employee retention rate means that the employee has a low turnover rate and vice versa. Therefore, organizations will always seek and strive to maintain high retention rates, especially with their key talents, and maintain low employee turnover. For which an organization’s ability to retain employees is considered twice as significant. Consistently high performing organizations achieve operational success and, at the same time, avoid the costs incurred from advertising vacancies, recruiting, selecting, and training new employees, and the loss from employees’ leaving (Okioga, 2012).
In the opinion of Abbasi and Hollman (2000), a stable workforce becomes a significant competitive advantage over an organization with an unstable workforce that is forced to invest thousands of dollars in recruitment, orientation, training, and overtime compensation. When the talent retention rate is low, hospitals will have to spend more time and resources on recruiting, selecting, and training new employees, instead of focusing on other activities such as improving staff performance and revising career development policies for employees. Given the importance of talent retention for organizational performance and survival, human resource professionals must regularly re-evaluate existing strategies and rewarding schemes to motivate and help increase the final commitment of their employees(Riani et al., 2022). Providing a satisfying job, transparent career development opportunities, with as much autonomy as possible, and competent management systems are among the factors that play a very significant role in retaining talent (Msengeti & Obwogi, 2015)
The working environment in the healthcare industry is characterized by many risks, uncertainties, and risks of cross infection for medical staff. Medical staff is also vulnerable to resistance from patients and their family members. The Covid-19 pandemic is complicated, creating a huge burden on the medical industry. Healthcare workers are under a lot of pressure. In that context, senior management must maintain optimism, courage, perseverance, and commitment of the staff and talented employees to be able to stand firm through the difficult period.
2.4. Talent Retention Model and Analytical Framework
Paul and Paul (1982) affirmed that employee retention is the foundation for the long-term success of the business. The talented staff is the driving force behind the business activities of the enterprise, creating a competitive advantage in the market. This encourages managers to consider the treatment of employees and devise a development plan to stimulate their talent so as not to leave the organization. Retaining talented employees is sometimes more beneficial than attracting ones through new recruitment. Munsamy and Bosch Venter (2009) provided a standard model that helps employees stay engaged in their jobs. This model outlines factors related to the elements necessary for employee retention practices. It also shows the factors that support employees in an organization. When these factors come together at the same time, it can be difficult to preach about employee retention. Therefore, managers must ensure that efforts are made to deliver each element one by one (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Theoretical Model of Employee Retention of Munsamy & Venter Source: (Munsamy & Bosch Venter, 2009)
The factors of compensation and benefits for employees are mentioned by Gomez-Mejia Luis (2004) in his model of total salary and bonus for employees, divided into three basic types of mechanisms. The bottom line of this model is that the key to an effective compensation program for employee dedication is that the company must monitor wages, by which HR professionals need to understand the salary structure that is popular in the industry. For talent to be appreciated, managers need to devise a compensation structure for innovative and talented employees in the organization. The most important of these is the base remuneration consisting of the employee’s fixed monthly salary or an hourly wage. This includes a number of benefits offered by many organizations, such as health insurance, academic grants, professional fee reimbursement, and other educational support programs. In addition, in individual retirement plans, payroll deductions such as annual medical checkups are a policy used by large companies. Some additional benefits such as regular vacation, holiday, and sick leave arrangements. The organization should also clearly communicate employee benefits. Some organizations use a written benefit summary for each employee attached to a position letter so that employees all understand their value. While the compensation and benefits program has been communicated to the employees, management needs to ensure that performance is recognized and rewarded. Such activity allows the managers to monitor system performance by evaluating each performance strictly (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Model of Compensation Factors and Employee Benefits Source: Gomez-Mejia Luis (2004)
In the Employee Value Proposition Model, Brewster (2012) advocate building a strong recruitment strategy that attracts new employees who learn about their new employer. In the strategy, the scholars recommend using blogs and websites, where potential employees can find information about the organization’s culture, values, and other awareness campaigns. The EVP frequently describes the tangible and intangible benefits that an employee seeks in a job. An organization that seeks to implement talent management and employee retention should strive to provide a working environment that embraces the elements its talented employees desire.
The proposed model (Figure 3) in this article includes 6 influencing factors belonging to two groups: the group of factors of the HRM policy from the hospital and the group of factors from the talented staff themselves. This is the result obtained after summarizing the results of previously published studies (see Appendix 1).
Figure 3: Initially Proposed Analytical Framework
3. Research Methods
3.1. Sampling
Subjects of the survey are staff working at the hospital, especially the ones with high professional qualifications and who have been recognized for excellent performance at all levels of management and staff (Table 1). Specifically, the group of medical staff, management executives, and staff are well appreciated by the Quality Control Department. According to some researchers, the minimum sample size of the ML method (The Maximum Likelihood) is 100 to 150 (Hair, 1998) to 200 (Hoelter, 1983). Many researchers believe that the minimum sample size is 5 for an estimated parameter (Bollen, 1989). In this study, according to the survey questionnaire, the number of observed variables is 29. Therefore, the required sample size is n = 145 (29 × 5) to ensure reliability while performing EFA.
Table 1: Subjects of Interviewed Experts
Samples have been selected by a convenient sampling method with a guaranteed proportion. Survey time was in October 2021.
3.2. Research Approach
The research process is divided into two main phases: qualitative research (preliminary research) and quantitative research (formal research) (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Research Approach
Initially, that scale has 05 criteria for Factor 1, 04 criteria for Factor 2, 04 criteria for Factor 3, 05 criteria for Factor 4, 06 criteria for Factor 5, 03 criteria for Factor 6, and 04 criteria for Factor 7. After conducting qualitative research through in-depth interviews, those groups of criteria were adjusted into 04 criteria for Factor 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7; the number of criteria for Factor 5 and Factor 6 remains the same (see Appendix 1).
3.3. Data Analysis
With the collected data, besides descriptive statistics, the authors use SPSS 20.0 software to perform some more detailed analyses to draw accurate conclusions about the current situation of talent retention at the Family Hospital, namely:
. Test the reliability of the scale: Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha correlation coefficient is used. The formula of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is: α = Nρ /{1 + ρ(N – 1)} where ρ is the average correlation coefficient between the items in question. For this study, an Alpha coefficient of 0.6 or more can be used in case the studied concept is new or new to respondents in the research context (Nunnally, 1978; Peterson, 1994; Slater, 1995).
• Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA): Variables with Factor loading less than 0.5 in EFA will continue to be excluded with a sample size of about 100- 300 (Hair, 1998). The used method of extracting coefficients is Principal Components with Varimax rotation and stops when extracting factors with Eigenvalue ≥ 1. The scale is accepted when the total variance extracted ≥ 50% (Anderson & Gerbing, 1998), provided that we have 0.5 ≤ KMO ≤ 1.
• Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): The customers’ grouping criteria tested in the study are gender, age, working position, education level, and working seniority. Hypothesis H0 is: There is no difference between the group mean by gender, age, working position, education level, and working seniority.
• Linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing: After the scale of the survey factors has been tested, the linear regression will be conducted by the method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), using both Enter and Stepwise methods on SPSS software. To ensure the reliability of the built model, we test the satisfaction of the hypotheses of the OLS like variable residual variance, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and the phenomenon of autocorrelation.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Descriptive Statistics
With 29 observed variables in the research model, the minimum number of research samples for meaningful EFA analysis is 145. The number of valid questionnaires collected has been up to 159. After checking, and cleaning The number of valid questionnaires for the study was 151. The results are presented in Appendix 2.
4.2. The Reliability of The Scale
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the Income and Welfare scale = 0.839 > 0.6, belonging to the good measure (>0.7). The scale has 4 observed variables TN1, TN2, TN3, and TN4 that are statistically significant. The Corrected item total Correlation coefficient of the observed variables ranges from 0.581 – 0.776 > 0.3. Therefore, no variable is excluded from the scale.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the scale of Job characteristics = 0.761 > 0.6, belonging to the good measure (>0.7). The scale of job characteristics with 4 observed variables CV1, CV2, CV3, and CV4 is statistically significant. The Corrected item-total Correlation coefficient of the observed variables ranges from 0.501 – 0.592 > 0.3. Therefore, no variables are excluded from the scale.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the Working Conditions scale = 0.708 > 0.6, belongs to the good measure (>0.7). Working conditions scale with 4 observed variables DK1, DK 2, DK 3, and DK4 is statistically significant. The Corrected item-total Correlation coefficient of the observed variables ranges from 0.374 – 0.584 > 0.3. Therefore, no variables are excluded from the scale.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the Management Policy scale = 0.931 > 0.6, belonging to the good measure (>0.7). The Management Policy scale with 4 observed variables QL1, QL2, QL3, and QL4 is statistically significant. The Corrected item-total Correlation coefficient of the observed variables ranges from 0.825 – 0.854 > 0.3. Therefore, no variables are excluded from the scale.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the Working Environment scale = 0.898 > 0.6, belonging to the good measure (>0.7). The working environment scale with 6 observed variables MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5, and MT6 is statistically significant. The Corrected item-total Correlation coefficient of the observed variables ranges from 0.627 – 0.780 > 0.3. Therefore, no variables are excluded from the scale.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the scale of Commitment to the organization = 0.807 > 0.6, belonging to the good measure (> 0.7). The scale of commitment to the organization with 3 observed variables CK1, CK2, and CK3 is statistically significant. The Corrected item-total Correlation coefficient of the observed variables ranges from 0.620 – 0.719 > 0.3. Therefore, no variables are excluded from the scale.
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of talent retention scale = 0.897 > 0.6; good measure (> 0.7). The talent Retention scale with 4 observed variables GC1, GC 2, GC3, and GC4 is statistically significant. The Corrected item-total Correlation coefficient of the observed variables ranges from 0.746 – 0.811 > 0.3. Therefore, no variable is excluded from the scale.
4.3. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)
Criteria to evaluate meaningful EFA analysis are that the KMO value must be between 0.5 and 1, the Eigenvalue >1, and the total variance extracted must be greater than 50%. With a sample size of 151, the factor loading factor is determined to be above 0.5. According to the results of the first EFA analysis (Appendix 3), the MT4 variable has a factor loading < 0.5, so it is excluded from the model because it does not meet the statistical standards. According to the results of the second EFA analysis, from 24 variables, 5 groups of factors were extracted with statistical significance. The new factor groups are as follows:
Group 1: includes 7 observed variables DK1, DK3, MT1, MT2, MT3, MT5, and MT6 (Working Conditions and Environment).
Group 2: includes 5 observed variables DK4, QL1, QL2, QL3, and QL4 (Management Policy).
Group 3: includes 4 observed variables TN1, TN2, TN3, and TN4 (Income and Welfare).
Group 4: includes 3 observed variables CK1, CK2, and CK3 (Organizational Engagement).
Group 5: includes 5 factors CV1, CV2, CV3, CV4, and DK2 (Job Characteristics).
After actual research, 5 groups of new factors were formed. Therefore, the adjusted research model and the corresponding hypotheses are:
H1: Income and welfare have a positive relationship with the Retention of the talented staff at Family Hospital.
H2: Job characteristics have a positive relationship with the Retention of the talented staff at Family Hospital.
H3: Working conditions and environment have a positive relationship with the Retention of the talented staff at Family Hospital.
H4: Management policy has a positive relationship with the Retention of the talented staff at Family Hospital.
H5: Organizational commitment is positively related to Talent Retention at Family Hospital.
4.4. Linear Regression Analysis
The multiple linear regression equation is built as follows:
GC = β0 + β1 * TN + β2 * CV + β3 * QL + β4 * DKMT + β5 * CK + e
GC: Retaining Talented Employees (Dependent Variable)
TN: Income and welfare (Independent variable)
CV: Job characteristics (Independent variable)
QL: Management policy (Independent variable)
DKMT: Working conditions and environment(Independent variable)
CK: Commitment to the organization (Independent variable)
βi : Regression coefficient
e: Residual
Total variables GC, TN, CV, QL, DKMT, and CK are calculated by taking the average of the components. The selected multivariable method is Enter.
Checking the autocorrelation phenomenon
Durbin-Watson coefficient of the analyzed model is = 1.982, with k = 5, n = 150, significance level = 0.05. Looking up Durbin-Watson table, we have dL = 1.679, dU = 1.788. We see that Durbin-Watson’s model is in the range dU < d < 4-dL (1.788 < 1.982 < 4-1.679); Therefore, it can be concluded that the model does not have an autocorrelation phenomenon. Checking for multicollinearity phenomenon
To check for multicollinearity, the paper has based on the variance-inflating factor (VIF). According to Ngoc and Mong C.N. (2008), if VIF > 10, high multicollinearity occurs. While the VIF coefficient is < 2, we can conclude that there is no multicollinearity phenomenon. At the range of 2 < VIF < 5, multicollinearity will be negligible. Based on the analysis results, the components show values in the range 1.889 – 2.498 < 5. Therefore, it can be concluded that the phenomenon of multicollinearity between the independent variables is not significant and does not affect the results of the linear regression analysis.
Level of explanation of the regression model
The statistics show that adjusted R-squared < R-squared. Thus, Using an adjusted R-squared to evaluate the model’s interpretation will be more appropriate, without data exaggeration.
Based on the size of the adjusted R-squared, it shows that the 5 independent variables CK, QL, CV, TN, and DKMT explain 75.1% of the variation of the dependent variable, which is retaining talented employees at Family. The explanatory level of the model is quite good.
The relevance of the regression model
The statistics in the ANOVA table show that the F = 91.551, the significance level of the test = 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, there is enough evidence to conclude that the regression equation is suitable to be generalized for the population. Multiple Linear Regression Equation
From the statistical results of the regression coefficients, the variables CV, QL, DKMT, and CK have coefficients of β (Beta) all greater than 0, Sig. value < 0.05, so it can be concluded that 4 independent variables are of statistical significance in the GC dependent variable explanation. Particularly, the variable TN - income and welfare, has the value Sig. = 0.762 > 0.05, so it is not statistically guaranteed. This variable has a negligible influence on Talent Retention, so it was not chosen to explain the dependent variable GC. To find out the magnitude of the influence of the remaining factors, the TN variable will be removed during the second regression analysis. After removing the TN variable, the explanatory level of the model increases to 75.3 %. In other words, the four variables CK, QL, CV, and DKMT explain 75.3% of the variation in Talent Retention (Table 2).
Sig. coefficients of all 4 variables CK, QL, CV, DKMT are all less than 0.05, so all 4 variables are significant in the regression model. Based on the coefficients β, the following equations can be built:
Unstandardized regression equation is:
GC = –0.358 + 0.135 * CV + 0.308 * QL + 0.280 * DKMT + 0.365 * CK (1)
The standardized regression equation is:
GC = 0.113 * CV + 0.337 * QL + 0.276 * DKMT + 0.326 * CK (2)
Equation (2) can be interpreted as below:
Talent retention = 0.113 * Job characteristics + 0.337 * Management policy + 0.276 * Working conditions and environment + 0.326 * Commitment to the organization
Performing the normal distribution test of the normalized residuals in the regression model using the histogram in Figure 6 shows a normal distribution curve superimposed on the histogram. The mean is close to 0, standard deviation = 0.987 (closer to 1). Therefore, it can be concluded that the normal distribution hypothesis is not violated (Table 3).
Table 3: Statistics of Regression Coefficients (2nd Time)
4.5. Hypothesis Testing Results
Based on the results of regression analysis, we see that 04 variables CV - Job characteristics; DKMT – Working conditions and environment; QL – CK Management policy – Commitment to the organization are statistically satisfactory and all affect GC- Retaining talented employees. Therefore, H2, H3, H4, and H5 are accepted, while factor TN - Income and welfare are not statistically satisfactory, and H1 is rejected.
Testing the difference in rating scales of different groups of employees (ANOVA analysis)
The hypotheses of this test are:
H0: 1 = 2 = 3 = ... = n: There is no difference between the group mean by gender, age, seniority, and job position.
H1: There exists at least one mean of group i that differs from at least one value of another group among the remaining groups.
If the sig of ANOVA < 0.05, it is concluded that there is no statistically significant difference between the groups. If the sig of ANOVA < 0.05, then the null hypothesis H0 means that there is a statistically significant difference between the group means of that variable.
According to the results of testing the difference in the evaluation of the scales at the criteria groups (Appendix 4), we make the following conclusions:
• Based on the statistical results, the Sig. Anova values of the factors CV, QL, DKMT, and CK are all > 0.05, so there is no basis to reject H0 . That is, the average levels of assessment between Men and Women on these factors have no difference. This only happens with the GC scale - Employee retention, with Sig.= 0.032 < 0.5. Therefore, there is a basis to reject H0 and accept H1; that is, there is a difference in the engagement level of Men and Women. Based on the average value, it shows that female employees have a higher level of commitment than male ones.
• Scales of CV-Job characteristics, CK-Commitment to the organization; GC-Retention of employees are with Sig. < 0.5. Therefore, there is a basis to reject H0 and accept H1, that is, there is a difference in assessment among the staff of different ages. Based on the average value, the older the person, the better the rating. The factors QL, and DKMT all have Sig values > 0.05, so there is no basis to reject H0. That is, the average level in the assessment between the ages of these factors is not different.
• Statistical results show that all of the above factors have Sig values > 0.05, so there is no basis to reject H0. That is, the average level in the assessment between different groups of seniority working on these factors is not different.
Statistical results show that all of the above factors have Sig. values > 0.05, so there is no basis to reject H0. That is, the average level of assessment between managers and employees on these factors is not significant.
4.6. Discussion
Levels of the impact of factors on talented employees’ retention
The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that QL - Management Policy has the greatest influence on GC - Retaining talented employees (Beta = 0.337); CK - Commitment to the organization has the second-largest influence (Beta = 0.326); DKMT - Working conditions and environment has the third-largest influence (Beta = 0.276); CV - Job characteristics has the lowest influence (Beta = 0.113). Besides, we can see that Income and benefits do not play a role in retaining talent as high as it is commonly understood for ordinary employees.
Evaluation of factors, affecting the retention of talented employees
Based on the average value of the factors affecting the retention of talented employees, it can be seen that QL - Management policy currently has the lowest rating with an average value of 3.73; CV- Job characteristics has the second-lowest rating with an average value of 3.81; CK - Commitment to the organization has the highest rating with an average value of 4.09. The factor Working conditions and environment has a good rating, the second-highest with an average value of 4.04. Thus, based on the influences of the factors and the average value of the factors, the solutions are determined to prioritize improvement first as follows: (1) Management policy; (2) Working conditions and environment; (3) Commitment to the organization, and (4) Job characteristics.
5. Managerial Implications
Improve the management policy
Hospital leaders need to create opportunities for the staff to have the opportunity to access the Hospital’s development plans and programs, through which the Board of Management (BOM) should receive, respect, and acknowledge the constructive comments. On that basis, the employees’ way of thinking will be fitted well with the Hospital’s long-term and sustainable development goals.
Improve working conditions
The Hospital needs to develop a plan to periodically assess the needs, adequacy, and appropriateness of work tools, equipment, and medical equipment compared to the contemporary rate of scientific and technical development in the industry. In addition, Hospital leaders need to pay attention to the mental and psychological comfort in the working environment. This is reflected in the efficiency of work and the quality of patient care services. It needs to adjust policies to support and create favorable conditions for staff to access training programs to meet the pace of technical development in their specialties and line with changing trends in customer needs.
Improve working environment
Hospital leaders and managers need to have a plan to orient departmental staff to work based on the Hospital’s mission, and leadership’s vision, with a full understanding of the core values of the Family Hospital’s culture. Managers need to develop a method to properly evaluate the contribution of talented personnel to their daily tasks. They should feel happy when the work results are appreciated, recognized, praised, and honored by the leaders in the teams of working. The Hospital needs to continue to build and maintain a common code of conduct among colleagues with a positive, civilized, and polite attitude. Building a supportive culture from leaders and colleagues for optimal work efficiency is also a factor in increasing the engagement of talented people. Thanks to their support, talented staff have more interest, enthusiasm, and dedication to the Hospital.
Increase commitment to the organization
Fair and timely treatment and recognition of work performance results is also a good option to increase trust in the leaders. Talented teams will feel their value and their importance to the organization that they have worked so hard for. Based on the trust of hospital leaders, talents will not be able to leave their positions because of their responsibility in the organization’s business activities. Thus, leaders need to build and create a fair and professional working environment, talented employees will feel that it is worthy of dedication to the Hospital. This leads to employees’ satisfaction with how their superiors and colleagues treat them. Once, there is cohesion within the organization, the talent headhunting strategies of the market competitors will not take them away. Eventually, they will focus on proposing improvements and bringing high performance to the organization.
6. Conclusion
Perhaps, the culmination of talent retention activities is that Family Hospital needs to build a career path for each talent-oriented position when recruiting. Through that talent development plan, talented employees know where and when their journey with the organization will go through. At the same time, that roadmap will be a commitment to transparent recognition of achievements, personal development, and career development in an equitable way according to what they contribute to the Hospital. Accordingly, talented personnel are sympathetic to the organization, are inspired to work, and are themselves responsible through a strategic vision of the connection between the individual and the Hospital. Moreover, talented people are normally fond of novelty and creativity, they will not tolerate the ineffective stereotypes of old and clichéd thinking. Therefore, to retain many talented employees, the Hospital must accept new things, and create a new, open, and effective culture that can only be seen at Family Hospital in the industry. Only in this way, the Hospital’s newly recruited talents can find it easy to follow a strategic route and be free to express their unlimited abilities in their passion for work.
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