A Study on the Fengshui Shapes of the Four Propitious Sites Recorded in The Canonical Scripture

『전경』에 기록된 사명당(四明堂)의 풍수 물형(物形) 연구

  • Received : 2022.01.24
  • Accepted : 2022.06.08
  • Published : 2022.06.30


This study investigates if four propitious sites (四明堂, sa myeongdang) identified in Daesoon Jinrihoe's The Canonical Scripture correspond with the orthodox descriptions of dragon, energy hub, sand, and water (龍穴砂水, yong hyeol sa su) which are held by Fengshui as conditions necessary for that specific designation. In this study, these conditions, based on the shape of the site-formations, were observed via through on-site surveys and the application of the theories presented by traditional books on Fengshui. First, the dragon veins (龍脈, yongmaek) of the energy hub of the Five Immortals Playing Baduk (五仙圍碁穴 oseonwigi- hyeol) on Mount Hoemun in Sunchang consists of solid soil, is like a spiderweb, rises and lays prone, winds in every direction, and looks almost disconnected while actually remaining connected. Second, the Fengshui characteristics of the energy hub of Worship Held by Buddhist Monks from Abroad (胡僧禮佛穴, hoseungyebul- hyeol) on Mount Seungdal in Muan is that the branching feet (枝脚 jigak) support the mountain range by forming a valley to the left and right of the dragon veins that stretch from the peak of Mount Seungdal. Also, the direction-changing helm (橈棹 yodo) supports the mountain range solidly can be said to be well-developed. It is likewise noted that there is an excellent change in dragon veins in that exhibit curvature that spans being high, low, rising, and lying. This makes it appear as though the dragon is wriggling back and forth. Third, the state of the energy hub of Celestial Maidens Weaving Silk (仙女織錦穴, seonnyojikgeum-hyeol) on Sonryong Ridge in Jangseong County demonstrates overall harmony between mountain and water as it is near Mount Ju and Mount An and has a solid water outlet to which it is tightly fastened such that its energy does not leak out. Meanwhile, the positioning of its blue dragon of the east, red phoenix of the south, white tiger of the west, and black tortoise of the north is so intimate that its long flow can be said to be spinning. The Songryong Ridge area where energy hub was formed between soil and bedrock is the right land for a great favored location as it corresponds with Fengshui logic in an exemplary manner. Fourth, the Fengshui characteristics of the energy hub of Subjects Receiving the Imperial Command (群臣奉詔穴, gunshinbongjo-hyeol) at Baerye-jeon Field in Taein can be described as embracing the village snuggly as it centers around Mount Wangja, and its blue dragon and white tiger respond to each other. Additionally, a clear distinction between host and guest is noticeable in the positions of Mount Ju and Mount An. The flowing body of water in front of the village wraps around that village as a Horizontal Water Formation (橫水局, hoengsuguk), and vigorous vapor from the earth draws breath as the yin-yang energy of the landscape courses through the earth. As dragon veins, the range of the mountain, are like the blood vessels within the human body and the dragon is compared to the limbs, the energy hub of Subjects Receiving the Imperial Command at Baerye-jeon Field in Taein can be identified as a favored location that was formed directly by the sky and earth.

본 논문은 『전경』에 기록된 사명당의 물형을 토대로 역대 풍수고서 등에서 말하는 풍수적 명당의 조건인 용, 혈, 사, 수의 이치에 부합하는지를 현장답사와 전통적인 풍수서의 이론을 토대로 전반적인 국세의 부합 여부를 살펴보았다. 전통적인 풍수 이론을 토대로 살펴볼 때, 첫번째로 순창 회문산의 오선위기형의 용맥은 단단한 토질과 암반으로 구성되어 있고 거미줄처럼 얽히고설켜 전후좌우로 구불구불 꺾이고 끊어질 듯 이어지는 산줄기가 엎드리고 일어나기를 반복하는 변화의 산세를 이루고 있다. 두 번째로 무안 승달산의 호승예불형의 풍수적 특징은 승달산의 정상부에서 뻗어 나간 용맥의 좌우로 골을 형성하며 받쳐주는 지각과 견고하게 산맥을 지탱해주는 요도가 잘 발달 되어 있다. 이는 마치 용이 좌우로 꿈틀거리듯 굴곡의 변화가 높고 낮게 엎드리고 일어나는 용맥의 변화가 뛰어남을 알 수 있다. 세 번째로 장성 손룡선녀직금형의 형세는 전반적으로 산과 물이 유정하고 주산과 안산이 단정하며 물이 나가는 수구가 꽉 잠긴 듯하여 기운이 새어나가지 않고, 청룡, 백호, 주작, 현무가 서로 다정하여 물줄기가 길게 감싸는 곳이다. 흙과 암반이 뒤섞인 사이로 혈이 맺힌 손룡 일대는 뛰어난 풍수적 대명당의 적지로 볼 수 있다. 네 번째로 태인 배례전의 군신봉조형의 풍수적 특징은 주산과 안산의 주객이 분명하다. 마을 앞을 흐르는 물줄기가 횡수국으로 마을을 감싸며 산수음양의 기운이 합하여 생기를 품은 지기가 살아 숨 쉬는 국세를 이루고 있다. 산줄기인 용맥은 인체의 혈관과 같고 용은 인체의 수족에 비유됨으로 태인 배례전의 군신봉조형은 하늘과 땅이 스스로 이룬 명당대지임을 알 수 있다.



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