Influence of Manufacturing Environment on Delamination of Mixed Cross Laminated Timber Using Polyurethane Adhesive

  • SONG, Dabin (Wood Engineering Division, Department of Forest Products and Industry, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • KIM, Keonho (Wood Engineering Division, Department of Forest Products and Industry, National Institute of Forest Science)
  • Received : 2022.01.21
  • Accepted : 2022.03.23
  • Published : 2022.05.25


To investigate the influence of manufacturing environment on bonding performance of mixed cross laminated wood (CLT) using polyurethane (PUR) adhesive, a boiling water soak delamination test according to the temperature and relative humidity was conducted. The 5-ply mixed CLT consisted of Japanese Larch for external and middle layer and yellow poplar for internal layer. The PUR adhesives with different opening times of 10 and 30 minutes were used. The mixed CLT was manufactured according to pressing times of PUR and manufacturing environments of summer and winter. In case of summer environment, the delamination rate of the mixed CLT with pressing time of 4 hours using a PUR adhesive with open time of 10 minutes met the requirements of KS F 2081. In case of winter environment, the delamination rate of the mixed CLT didn't meet the requirements of KS standard. However, it was possible to confirm the effect of improving the adhesive performance by adjusting the pressing time according to the open time of the adhesive under the manufacturing conditions. The delamination rate of CLT with open time 30 minutes PUR, manufactured by indirect moisture supply methods was 11.2% better than direct moisture supply methods. As a result of delamination test in the same condition of relative humidity and adhesive, it was found that the temperature of manufacturing environment influences the adhesive performance.



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