Antioxidant Effects of Hutgae (Hovenia dulcis Thunb.) Fruit Extracts on Peroxidation of Refrigerated Eels

  • Song, Hee-Sun (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Gwangju Health University)
  • Received : 2022.01.28
  • Accepted : 2022.03.17
  • Published : 2022.04.30


The antioxidant effects by pre-treatment of Hutgae fruit water and ethanol (30°, Soju) extract on refrigerated eels were analyzed. The antioxidant activities were measured through DPPH and ABTS scavenging effect, values of acidity, peroxide, carbonyl, and TBA. The peroxide prevention effects of linoleic acid and eel oil were also assessed. Regarding DPPH radical scavenging, Hutgae ethanol extract presented higher scavenging effects than vitamin C 5 mM solution (p<0.05). The eel's peroxidation degree was measured through 21 days of refrigeration after cleaning and immersion into the extract solution for one hour. Upon measuring the values of four different peroxide indicators, those of eels pre-treated with Hutgae extracts were lower than those of eels untreated. The POV of Hutgae ethanol extract, vitamin C 5 mM, and the control was 11.1, 11.3, 15.5 meq/kg, respectively. Hutgae ethanol extract showed higher antioxidant activities in TBA value, and carbonyl value than other samples. In linoleic acid or eel oil, Hutgae extract was as superiorly effective in preventing peroxide generation of refrigerated eels as vitamin C 10 mM solution. In conclusion, pre-application of Hutgae water and ethanol (30°, Soju) extract on eels was proved to be competent in stopping peroxidation of eel in refrigeration.



This research was financially supported by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups(MSS), Korea, under the "Regional Specialized Industry Development Program (R&D, R0006328)" supervised by the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT), and "The Research has been conducted by the Research Grant of Gwangju Health University in 2020001 (grant number)".


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