이 논문은 2021학년도 한국기술교육대학교 교수 '교수교육연구진흥과제' 지원에 의하여 연구되었음
- Hong Suk il, "Smart Home Technology Trend", The Journal of The Korean Institute of Communication Sciences, Vol. 37(11), pp.28-35, 2020.
- Yeon Ho Chu, Young Kyu Choi, "A Deep Learning based IOT Device Recognition System", Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology. Vol. 18(2), pp.1-5, 2019.
- Gyou-tae Park, Eun-jung Kim, In-chan Kim and Kie-sik Kim, "Development and Field Test of a Smart-home Gas Safety Management System", Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas, Vol. 15(6), pp.128-135, 2012.
- Young Gyu Choi, "A Study on the Development of Low Power Automatic ON/OFF Valve System for Gas Leak Detection", Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology, Vol. 14(5), pp.369-374, 2021. https://doi.org/10.17661/JKIIECT.2021.14.5.369
- Jeong-Hwan Kim, Gong-Myeong Lee, Taesam Kang, and Jungkeun Park, "Development of a Small Smart Plug for Remote Monitoring and Control of Temperature and Humidity", Journal of Institute of Control, robotics and Systems, Vol. 27(11), pp.878-882, 2021. https://doi.org/10.5302/J.ICROS.2021.21.0118
- Jun-Yong Park, Chun-Kyong Lee and Tae-Keun Park, "A Case Study of Measuring and Analyzing Electric Energy Usage in University Facilities Using Smart Plug", Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction, Vol. 34(9), pp. 27-34, 2018. https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2018.34.9.27
- Byeong-Gyu Choe, Min-Chang Cha and Jin-Jun Kim, "Study on the Current Safety Management Satatus and Safety Improvement of Gas Valve", Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas, Vol. 20(5), 2016.
- Jong-Bae Hwang, Se-Chang Jang, Jae-Won Jang, KiHyun Kim and Jae-Cheol Ha, "Anomaly detection on ICS(Industrial Control System) using deep learning method", Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 23(1), pp. 24-32, 2022. https://doi.org/10.5762/KAIS.2022.23.1.24
- Chang-Woo Son, Sang-Bae Lee, "The research of Automatic classification of Products Using Smart Plug by Artificial Intelligence Technique", Joural of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Vol. 22(6). pp.842-848, 2018.
- Pau, D., Lattuada, M., Loro, F., De Vita, A., & Licciardo, G. D. " Comparing industry frameworks with deeply quantized neural networks on microcontrollers", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 1-6, 2021.