Closure durations of Korean stops at three positions

  • Yungdo, Yun (Dharma College, Dongguk University)
  • 투고 : 2022.11.15
  • 심사 : 2022.12.11
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


This study investigates closure durations of Korean stops in terms of laryngeal contrasts, places of articulation, and three positions within words. Twenty-two Korean speakers produced the nonsense words containing Korean stops found in word-initial and word-final positions and between vowels. The statistical results showed that the closure durations differed significantly by laryngeal contrast and place of articulation. In addition, the differences by position within words were marginally significant. The closure durations were in the order of lenis < aspirated < fortis stops by laryngeal contrast, velar < alveolar < bilabial stops by place of articulation, and word-final < word-initial < between vowels by positions within words. The laryngeal contrasts were neutralized in word-final position as per coda neutralization in Korean phonology. This study shows that closure durations should be considered a valuable phonetic cue to identify stops on par with voice onset time and f0.



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