중국의 한국 서해 내해화 전략 분석

Chinese Maritime Dispute Strategy for territorialization in Korea's West Sea

  • 발행 : 2022.12.01


본 논문은 중국의 서해 내해화 전략을 분석하여 해양에 종사하거나, 해양 정책을 연구하는 이들에게 시사점을 제공하기 위해 작성하였다. 이를 위해 최근 서해에서 이루어지고 있는 중국의 해상활동을 아더 라이케가 제시한 전략 구성요소인 목표(Ends), 방법(Ways) 및 수단(Means)의 세 가지 기준으로 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 중국은 서해 내해화라는 목표를 달성하기 위해 국가 차원에서 제 요소를 복합적으로 활용한다는 결과를 도출할 수 있었다. 중국은 ① 정전 상태에 있는 한반도의 특수한 안보 환경을 이용하여 북방한계선(NLL, Northern Limit Line) 인근에서 자국 어선들의 불법조업을 의도적으로 방조하여 서해를 영해로 기정사실화하며, ② 자국의 국가안보에 대한 위협을 이유로 서해상 한・미 연합훈련을 거부하는 한편, 동 해역 내 군사훈련을 확대하고 군용기를 한국방공식별구역 인근으로 상시 진입하게 하여 군사적 능력을 과시하고, ③ 과학탐구를 빙자하여 서해에 각종 시설을 확대 설치하고 있다. 필자가 본 연구를 통해 강조하고 싶은 것은 '서해에서 자행되는 일부 중국의 활동은 한국의 주권을 심각하게 침해하는 행위이며, 한국은 서해에서 국민의 자유로운 해양 활동과 안전을 보장하기 위해 한미 연합전력 중심의 비례적 대응을 해야 한다는 것'이다.

China has been pushing for a systematic strategy for territorialization over a long period of time to invade Korea's West Sea (Yellow Sea) in order to create China's territorial water. China's strategy for territorializing the West Sea is an activity in which China curbs the use of South Korea and enforces the illegal use of China in order to dominate the West Sea exclusively. China aided Chinese fishing boats that engaged in illegal fishing in Korea's jurisdiction as a means to territorialize the West Sea, and is opposed to combined exercise and training of Korea and the United States Naval Forces in the West Sea, while intentionally entering KADIZ(Korea Air Defense Identification Zone). In addition, Beijing used 'scientific exploration and research' measures as a pretext for its strategies in order to encroach on Korea's West Sea. China is carrying out such work to announce to the world that China is a systematic and organized country while consistently attempting to dominate the West Sea. China's activities in the West Sea seriously infringe South Korea's sovereignty. In order to respond to China's strategies of territorialization in the West Sea stated above, I analyzed the rejection effect of the ROK-US combined military training in the West Sea and presented a 'proportional response strategy centered on the ROK-US combined forces'. Korea should be able to respond proportionally to China's activities in the seas around the Korean peninsula, and Korea should be able to neutralize China's attempt to a Fait Accompli. In addition, just as China installs buoys in the Korea-China Provisional Measures Zone, Korea should be able to install and actively utilize some devices in the West Sea and for the use of free and open West Sea. Korea should not just wait for the tragic future to come without preparing for China's gradual and long-term strategy, and Seoul needs to respond to China's maritime policy in the West Sea with a more active attitude than it is now. China has historically taken a bold and aggressive response to neighboring countries that are consistent with a passive attitude, on the other hand, Beijing has taken a cautious approach to neighboring countries that respond with an active attitude. It should not be forgotten that Korea's passive response to the Chinese strategy in the name of a 'realistic approach' such as Korea's economic dependence on China for economy will result in China's success for territorialization of the West Sea.



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