토양제초제 처리가 봄 파종 알팔파의 건물수량 및 잡초억제에 미치는 영향

Effect of Postemergence Herbicides on Dry Matter Yield and Weed Control in Spring Seeding Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

  • 투고 : 2022.02.07
  • 심사 : 2022.03.10
  • 발행 : 2022.03.31


본 연구는 알팔파 봄 파종 시 토양제초제 처리에 따른 알팔파의 건물수량과 잡초 억제효과를 검토하기 위하여 수행하였다. 알팔파의 건물수량은 제초제 처리구 중에서 H2 및 H3가 HW와 비슷한 수준이었으며, NH의 건물수량은 H1-4보다 57-71% 적게 나타났다. 잡초의 초장은 NH에서 가장 컸으며 화본과 잡초(피, 바랭이 등)가 우점하고 있어 잡초의 초장이 알팔파 초장(54.1-62.1 cm)보다 크게 나타났다. 잡초 방제가는 H2 처리구가 HW와 비슷한 잡초 방제가를 나타내었다. 잡초는 종자를 파종한 냉이, 바랭이, 강아지풀 이외에도 피, 명아주 등이 발생하였다. 잡초 발생비율은 화본과 잡초가 73%, 광엽잡초는 27% 이었다. 토양제초제를 처리하는 것이 무처리 대비 50% 이상 잡초를 방제하였고, 제초제 중에서 H2 (S-metolachlor)는 손제초와 비슷한 수준으로 나타났다. 알팔파 수량을 증가시키기 위해서는 토양제초제 처리가 파종 시 필수적인 방법으로 판단된다.

This study was conducted to examine the dry matter yield and weed control of alfalfa according to postemergence herbicides treatment during spring seeding alfalfa. The seeding time of alfalfa was April 21, 2021, the seeding amount was 20 kg/ha, and the seeding method was by 20 cm wide. The alfalfa harvest was carried out at the early bloom stage (10% of flowering), and the harvest date was June 29, 2021. The test treatments were non herbicide (NH), hand weeding (HW), herbicide 1 (Trifluralin, H1), herbicide 2 (S-metolachlor, H2), herbicide 3 (Alachlor, H3), and herbicide 4 (Pendimethalin, H4). Alfalfa plant height was significantly highest in H2 (62.1±1.4 cm) followed by H3 (61.7±1.6 cm), HW (58.5±1.0 cm), H1 (57.2±1.3 cm), H4 (56.1±1.3 cm), and NH (54.1±1.2 cm) (p<0.05). Based on HW, H2 and H3 were high and H1 and H4 were short, but NH was significantly shorter than HW and H1~H4 (p<0.05). The dry matter yield of alfalfa in NH, HW, H1, H2, H3, and H4 were 717.2±94.2, 2,613.8±254.1, 1,667.8±94.1, 2,498.3±120.2, 2,435.0±118.3, and 1,793.7±354.3 kg/ha. HW is the highest among them (p<0.05). The feed composition of alfalfa was 22~24% of the dry matter yield, and the CP content were significantly higher in NH (23.6 %) (p<0.05). The NH had higher (p<0.05) NDF and ADF, but RFV was lower (p<0.05). The weed plant height was NH 98.0±3.3cm, HW 73.3±1.7 cm, H1 91.9±1.5 cm, H2 53.3±5.8 cm, H3 81.4±3.5 cm and H4 96.6±2.2 cm, and H2 was significantly smallest in the group (p<0.05). The weed dry matter yield was NH 4,770.4±232.5 kg/ha, HW 316.3±91.9 kg/ha, H1 2,353.4±173.7 kg/ha, H2 114.5±10.2 kg/ha, H3 752.7±440.6 kg/ha and H4 2,220.6±775.6 kg/ha. The weed control value was HW 94.1%, H1 53.5%, H2 98.2%, H3 84.9%, H4 48.7%, the weed value of H2 is similar to weed control value of HW. Considering the above results, postemergence herbicide treatment controlled weeds by more than 50% compared with no treatment, and among herbicides, H2 (S-metolachlor) was found to be on a similar level to hand weeding.



본 연구는 농촌진흥청 연구사업(알팔파 안정 재배 및 저장 이용기술 개발, PJ01593901)과 2022년도 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 전문연구원 과정 지원에 의해 이루어진 것임.


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