• Ki, U-Hang (The National Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Kim, Soo Jin (Department of Mathematics Chosun University Gwangju)
  • 투고 : 2021.11.29
  • 심사 : 2021.12.31
  • 발행 : 2022.01.31


Let M be a semi-invariant submanifold of codimension 3 with almost contact metric structure (φ, ξ, η, g) in a complex space form Mn+1(c). We denote by Rξ the structure Jacobi operator with respect to the structure vector field ξ and by ${\bar{r}}$ the scalar curvature of M. Suppose that Rξ is φ∇ξξ-parallel and at the same time the third fundamental form t satisfies dt(X, Y) = 2θg(φX, Y) for a scalar θ(≠ 2c) and any vector fields X and Y on M. In this paper, we prove that if it satisfies Rξφ = φRξ, then M is a Hopf hypersurface of type (A) in Mn+1(c) provided that ${\bar{r}-2(n-1)c}$ ≤ 0.



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