본 논문은 2020년 덕성여자대학교 교내연구비 지원에 의해 수행되었음.
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- So, B. M. & Song, G. H. (2018). An analysis of secondary school teachers' perceptions and experiences in Korean school libraries. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 49(3), 55-75. https://doi.org/10.16981/KLISS.49.3.201809.55
- Song, K. H. (2019). An analysis of teacher librarians' role recognition. Journal of Korean Society of Library and Information Science Society, 53(4), 5-22.
- Lee, B. K. (2010). Study on the restructure of information literacy process based on taxonomy educational objectives. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 41(2), 107-126. https://doi.org/10.16981/KLISS.41.2.201006.107
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- Lim, J. H. & Lee J. W. (2018). A case study on the relationship between information literacy skills and critical thinking dispositions of high school students. Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 29(1), 277-298. https://doi.org/10.14699/KBIBLIA.2018.29.1.277
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