How Perceived Price Discount Influence on the Impulsive Consumption in the Context of Online Limited-Time Promotion: Moderating Effect of Perceived Time Pressure

  • Weiyi, Luo (Hunan Institute of Humanities, Science and Technology) ;
  • Young-Chan, Lee (Department of Information Management, Dongguk University)
  • 투고 : 2022.11.08
  • 심사 : 2022.12.22
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


Purpose In the current environment of online shopping, the cost for consumers to obtain the information they need is decreasing, and the price of products is becoming more transparent, leading to increased price competition among enterprises for similar products. Given the widespread usage of limited-time promotion as a marketing method for enterprises in the context of e-commerce, it is great meaning to study and reveal the internal influence mechanism of limited-time promotion on consumers' impulsive consumption. Design/methodology/approach Based on the S-O-R theory, this study constructs a model of consumers' impulsive consumption in the context of e-commerce from the perspective of perceived price discount, with evoking sense and pleasure as mediating variables and perceived time pressure as moderating variables. Findings The results show that perceived price discount has a significant positive impact on evoking sense and pleasure. Evoking sense has a significant positive impact on pleasure. Both evoking sense and pleasure have a significant positive impact on consumers' impulsive consumption. Meanwhile, perceived time pressure plays a significant moderating role between perceived price discount and evoking sense, between perceived price discount and pleasure, and between evoking sense and consumers' impulsive consumption. Finally, based on the above findings, this study provides effective suggestions for e-commerce participants in the formulation of limited-time promotion strategies.



This study was supported by the Outstanding Youth Project of Education Bureau of Hunan Province, China (18B451) and the Construct Program of the Applied Characteristic Discipline - Applied Economics in Hunan Province (2018469).


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