군 해체공사 안전관리 개선에 관한 연구

A Study on the Improvement of Safety Management for Military Demolition Works

  • 정상준 (서울과학기술대학교 안전공학과) ;
  • 박종일 (서울과학기술대학교 안전공학과)
  • Sang Jun, Jeong (Department of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Jong Yil, Park (Department of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
  • 투고 : 2020.09.28
  • 심사 : 2022.11.30
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


Since the 2000s, the demand for private demolition works has been gradually increasing as the apartment housing market has been led by redevelopment and reconstruction. In the case of the military, the Ministry of National Defense is consolidating troops from each military unit to reorganize the unit structure in accordance with Defense Reform 2.0; the plan includes reducing the garrison used by each unit to 70% of its current level. Accordingly, the demand for demolition work in the military is also expected to increase. However, the military regulations do not reflect the relevant laws that have been revised recently. This study identifies regulations and system improvements for demolition work suitable for the military based on an analysis of accident cases that have occurred during demolition work, of domestic and foreign laws and regulations related to military demolition work, and of the problems with current military safety management at each stage of planning, design, and construction. The study subsequently proposes improvements for military demolition work, including budget execution adjustment, the establishment of training courses, on-site inspections, the development of guidelines for military demolition work, the provision of risk assessment standards, and the need for the qualification of equipment operators.



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