Model order reduction for Campbell diagram analysis of shaft-disc-blade system in 3D finite elements

  • Phuor, Ty (School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Yoon, GilHo (School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University)
  • 투고 : 2021.08.08
  • 심사 : 2021.11.07
  • 발행 : 2022.02.25


This paper presents the Campbell diagram analysis of the rotordynamic system using the full order model (FOM) and the reduced order model (ROM) techniques to determine the critical speeds, identify the stability and reduce the computational time. Due to the spin-speed-dependent matrices (e.g., centrifugal stiffening matrix), several model order reduction (MOR) techniques may be considered, such as the modal superposition (MS) method and the Krylov subspace-based MOR techniques (e.g., Ritz vector (RV), quasi-static Ritz vector (QSRV), multifrequency quasi-static Ritz vector (MQSRV), multifrequency/ multi-spin-speed quasi-static Ritz vector (MMQSRV) and the combined Ritz vector & modal superposition (RV+MS) methods). The proposed MMQSRV method in this study is extended from the MQSRV method by incorporating the rotational-speed-dependent stiffness matrices into the Krylov subspace during the MOR process. Thus, the objective of this note is to respond to the question of whether to use the MS method or the Krylov subspace-based MOR technique in establishing the Campbell diagram of the shaft-disc-blade assembly systems in three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA). The Campbell diagrams produced by the FOM and various MOR methods are presented and discussed thoroughly by computing the norm of relative errors (ER). It is found that the RV and the MS methods are dominant at low and high rotating speeds, respectively. More precisely, as the spinning velocity becomes large, the calculated ER produced by the RV method is significantly increased; in contrast, the ER produced by the MS method is smaller and more consistent. From a computational point of view, the MORs have substantially reduced the time computing considerably compared to the FOM. Additionally, the verification of the 3D FE rotordynamic model is also provided and found to be in close agreement with the existing solutions.



This work was supported by Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) grant funded by the Korea government (MOTIE) (2021202080026D, Development of platform technology and operation management system for design and operating condition diagnosis of fluid machinery with variable devices based on AI/ICT).


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