Analysis of Crack Control Effect of Ultra-low Shrinkage Concrete through Wall Mock-up Test

벽체 실물대부재실험을 통한 초 저수축 콘크리트의 균열제어 효과 분석

  • Received : 2021.11.18
  • Accepted : 2022.01.03
  • Published : 2022.02.20


Ultra-low shrinkage concrete is very effective for securing the quality and appearance of a concrete structure because it can control the drying shrinkage cracks of the concrete structure to within a certain limit. In this study, with the purpose of commercializing ultra-low shrinkage concrete, the optimal amount of expansive agent and shrinkage reducing agent was determined through a lab test, and a concrete wall mock-up test was conducted to examine the shrinkage properties and crack control effects of ultra-low shrinkage concrete. As a result, it was confirmed that there was little drying shrinkage deformation in the wall specimen, and furthermore that no cracks were generated.

초 저수축 콘크리트는 콘크리트 구조물의 건조수축 균열을 극한으로 제어할 수 있기 때문에 콘크리트 구조물의 품질 및 외관 확보에 매우 효과적이다. 본 연구에서는 초 저수축 콘크리트의 상용화를 목적으로 실내실험을 통해 최적의 팽창재 및 수축저감제 투입량을 정하였고, 콘크리트 벽체 실물대부재실험을 실시하여 초 저수축 콘크리트의 수축 특성 및 균열제어 효과 등을 검토하였다. 그 결과 벽체 시험체에는 건조수축 변형이 거의 발생하지 않았고 균열도 발생하지 않음을 확인할 수 있었다.



This study is part of the joint research results of Hyundai E&C and Sampyo Industries.


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