본 논문은 2022년도 혜전대학교 교내 학술연구비 지원에 의하여 수행된 것임.
- 의료기사 등에 관한 법률 시행령. (시행 2019.7.2, 대통령령 제29950호)
- 조인식. 지방대학 소멸위기가 이미 올해(2021학년도) 대학입학정원 미달로 현실화되고 있음. Available from: URL:
- Cho MH, Lee GY, Nam SE. A study on the need for improvement of digital education (CAD/CAM) in dental technology curriculum. JLCCI 2019;19(22):1385-97.
- Choe SM. The effect on employment of employment preparation activities in college graduates. JKAIS 2015;16(4):2556-63.
- Choi B, Kang W. The effects of the motive to choose major, career values, and satisfaction with major on immersion in major by the dental technology students: focus on the students at Daegu districts. J Tech Dent 2022;44(2):60-6.
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- Choi MH, Lee HJ. Relationship between interpersonal relationship ability, interpersonal relationship satisfaction, stress and department satisfaction of dental hygiene students. JCIT 2020;10(2):160-6.
- Han SI. Exploration of factors that affect college student drop-out and resilience. JLCCI 2018;18(24):1369-91.
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- Jang GW, Lee JY, Jeong MK. A study on motivation for major choice and major adaptation among some dental hygiene students. J Korean Soc Dent Hyg 2013;13(2):335-42.
- Jang SC. An analysis of type of university students' career decision. Korean J Couns Psychother 2004;16(3):533-51.
- Jeon H. A study on professional self-concept, academic self-efficacy and department satisfaction in nursing students. JKAIS 2017;18(12):213-21.
- Jung HJ, Chung HI. Effects of self-esteem, emotional intelligence and social support on college adjustment in first year nursing college students. J Korean Acad Psych Mental Health Nurs 2012;21(3):188-96.
- Kang SH. Predictors of academic achievement and dropout thinking among university students. J Educ Eval 2010;23(1):29-53.
- Kim CH, Kim JH, Kim HM. Structural relationship of dental hygienist image, major satisfaction, and dropout intention. J Korean Soc Dent Hyg 2022;22(2):143-51.
- Kim H, Kim K. Influence of friendship to academic persistence and drop out and mediation effect of school adaptation. J Fash Bus 2011;15(4):87-109.
- Kim HJ. Development and effectiveness analysis of dropout prevention programs for local college students. J Korean Soc Fish Mar Educ 2020;32(3):823-33.
- Kim JK. A study on factors affecting college dropout intention: an hybrid approach of topic modeling and structural equation modeling. J Korea Ind Inf Syst Res 2022;27(4):81-92.
- Kim KH, Ha HS. A study of department satisfaction factors of undergraduate students. Korean J Couns 2000;1(1):7-20.
- Kim SH, Kim JH. Research on dental laboratory technician's image perceived by health allied college students. J Korean Acad Dent Technol 2013;35(3):221-9.
- Kim WS, Kim KB, Nam SY, Jung JK, Cho MH, Jeoung SH, et al. A study on the improvement of educational evaluation system in dental technician using Delphi technique. J Korean Acad Dent Technol 2018;40(4):273-81.
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- Kwon SS. Analysis of motivations for the major selection, the adjustment to university life and their effects on academic dropout intention among the dental technology students. J Tech Dent 2020;42(4):362-71.
- Lee HE, Kim YR. A study of the occupational image of dental technicians among dental technology students by the Q-methodology. J Tech Dent 2020;42(3):240-7.
- Lee SW, Park KB. Analysis of correlation between the characteristics of university students and dropout. JLCCI 2019;19(11):1185-210.
- Mun MY, Hwang SY. Impact of character strengths on major satisfaction and nursing professionalism in nursing students. JLCCI 2016;16(8):403-18.
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- Park HS. An analysis of the factors affecting local college freshmen's intention of dropout: focused on C-college. JLCCI 2017;17(15):423-42.
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