의료기관의 위험도 분석 조사 - 지역공공의료원을 중심으로

A Study on the Hazard and Risk Analysis of Hospital in Korea - Focused on Local Medical Centers

  • 김영애 (의료공간디자인학과, 건양대학교) ;
  • 송상훈 (진단검사의학과, 서울대병원) ;
  • 이현진 (의료공간디자인학과, 건양대학교) ;
  • 김태윤 (공공의료사업지원팀, 국립중앙의료원)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.18
  • 심사 : 2022.11.02
  • 발행 : 2022.12.15


The purpose of this study is to analyse the hazard risk by examining the magnitude and severity of each type of hazard in order to mitigate and prepare for disasters in medical facilities. Methods: The hazard risk analysis for hazard types was surveyed for team leaders of medical facilities. The questionnaire analyzed data from 27 facilities, which were returned from 41 Local Medical Centers. Results: When looking at the 'Risk' by category type of hazard, the influence of health safety and fire/energy safety comes first, followed by natural disaster, facility safety, and crime safety. On the other hand, as for 'Magnitude', facility safety and crime safety come first, followed by health safety, fire/energy safety, and natural disasters. Most of the top types of disaster judged to have high hazard in medical facilities are health types. The top five priorities of hazard in medical facilities, they are affected by the geographical and industrial conditions of the treatment area. In the case of cities, the hazard was found to be high in the order of infectious disease, patient surge, and wind and flood damage. On the other hand, in rural areas, livestock diseases and infectious diseases showed the highest hazard. In the case of forest areas, the hazard was high in the order of wildfire, fire accident, lightning, tide, earthquake, and landslide, whereas in coastal areas of industrial complexes, the hazard was high due to fire, landslide, water pollution, marine pollution, and chemical spill accident. Implications: Through the research, standards will be established for the design of hospitals with disaster preparedness, and will contribute to the preparation of preemptive measures in terms of maintenance.



본 연구는 2022년도 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행되었음(과제번호:2020R1A2C1-100849)


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