A Case Study on the Development of Daily Living Behaviors of the Elderly with Dementia in Nursing Homes for the Elderly in Gyeongnam-Province

경남지역 노인요양시설 치매노인의 일상생활행위 전개에 대한 사례연구

  • Yang, Kum-Suek (Department of Architecture, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 양금석 (경상국립대학교 건축학과)
  • Received : 2022.10.07
  • Accepted : 2022.10.31
  • Published : 2022.11.25


The purpose of this study is to present the basic direction of a desirable space plan for the elderly with dementia by examining the characteristics of the development of daily living behavior of the elderly with dementia. As a research method, First, the literature survey identified the increase in the elderly population in gyeongnam-province and the basic status of 197 elderly care facilities installed and operated in gyeongnam-province, and second, the development of daily living behaviors of eight dementia elderly people in two facilities in the form of overlapping-shaped nursing homes. The results of the survey and analysis are as follows. First, on average, it was found that the elderly with dementia in nursing facilities spend 98.3% of their work hours in the bedroom and the residents' control room. Second, it was found that the elderly with dementia accounted for 57.2% of sleep and idleness, 21.3% of leisure and hobby, and 10.7% of basic behavior. Third, in the development of the daily living behaviors of the elderly with dementia, the time to develop daily living behaviors related to identity and sociality is prominent in the living zone, and the time to develop daily living behaviors related to identity, safety, and family atmosphere is prominent in the public zone.



이 논문은 2022년도 경상국립대학교 대학회계 연구비 지원에 의하여 연구되었음.


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