Multi-communication layered HPL model and its application to GPU clusters

  • Kim, Young Woo (Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ;
  • Oh, Myeong-Hoon (Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Chan Yeol (Center for Development of Supercomputing System, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
  • 투고 : 2020.10.13
  • 심사 : 2021.02.25
  • 발행 : 2021.06.01


High-performance Linpack (HPL) is among the most popular benchmarks for evaluating the capabilities of computing systems and has been used as a standard to compare the performance of computing systems since the early 1980s. In the initial system-design stage, it is critical to estimate the capabilities of a system quickly and accurately. However, the original HPL mathematical model based on a single core and single communication layer yields varying accuracy for modern processors and accelerators comprising large numbers of cores. To reduce the performance-estimation gap between the HPL model and an actual system, we propose a mathematical model for multi-communication layered HPL. The effectiveness of the proposed model is evaluated by applying it to a GPU cluster and well-known systems. The results reveal performance differences of 1.1% on a single GPU. The GPU cluster and well-known large system show 5.5% and 4.1% differences on average, respectively. Compared to the original HPL model, the proposed multi-communication layered HPL model provides performance estimates within a few seconds and a smaller error range from the processor/accelerator level to the large system level.



We give special thanks to Hyungon Ryu and Simon See at NVAITC and Wan Seo at NVIDIA for technical supports.


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