Filter orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing scheme based on polar code in underwater acoustic communication with non-Gaussian distribution noise

  • Ahmed, Mustafa Sami (Department of Communication Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) ;
  • Shah, Nor Shahida Mohd (Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) ;
  • Al-Aboosi, Yasin Yousif (Faculty of Engineering, University of Mustansiriyah) ;
  • Gismalla, Mohammed S.M. (Department of Communication Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) ;
  • Abdullah, Mohammad F.L. (Department of Communication Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) ;
  • Jawhar, Yasir Amer (Department of Communication Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) ;
  • Balfaqih, Mohammed (Department of Computer and Network Engineering, University of Jeddah)
  • 투고 : 2019.12.15
  • 심사 : 2020.05.25
  • 발행 : 2021.04.15


The research domain of underwater communication has garnered much interest among researchers exploring underwater activities. The underwater environment differs from the terrestrial setting. Some of the main challenges in underwater communication are limited bandwidth, low data rate, propagation delay, and high bit error rate (BER). As such, this study assessed the underwater acoustic (UWA) aspect and explored the expression of error performance based on t-distribution noise. Filter orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing refers to a new waveform candidate that has been adopted in UWA, along with turbo and polar codes. The empirical outcomes demonstrated that the noise did not adhere to Gaussian distribution, whereas the simulation results revealed that the filter applied in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing could significantly suppress out-of-band emission. Additionally, the performance of the turbo code was superior to that of the polar code by 2 dB at BER 10-3.



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