클라우드 기업의 성과측정모형 개발

Development of Performance Measurement Model for Cloud Companies

  • 서광규 (상명대학교 경영공학과)
  • 투고 : 2021.08.23
  • 심사 : 2021.09.16
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


Since the recent Corona 19, the importance of cloud computing is increasing, and at the same time, competition among clouds is intensifying. Cloud companies are competing for survival by promoting various management innovation methods for continuous growth and development amid a rapidly changing business environment. They are also increasingly interested in performance management in their operations and growth. In this paper, we propose Cloud BSC, an IT BSC-based performance measurement model for cloud enterprise performance management. The validity of the proposed model is verified through statistical analysis and causal analysis. Eventually, the proposed model is expected to be utilized as a management evaluation tool that can provide useful performance analysis information to cloud companies.



본 논문은 2020년 상명대학교 교내연구비를 지원받아 수행하였음.


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