호흡 강도에 따른 수면 호흡 유형 분석

Analysis of Sleep Breathing Type According to Breathing Strength

  • 강윤주 (상명대학교 전자정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 정성오 (상명대학교 전자정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 국중진 (상명대학교 전자정보시스템공학과)
  • Kang, Yunju (Dept. of Electronics and Information System Engineering, Sangmyung University) ;
  • Jung, Sungoh (Dept. of Electronics and Information System Engineering, Sangmyung University) ;
  • Kook, Joongjin (Dept. of Electronics and Information System Engineering, Sangmyung University)
  • 투고 : 2021.06.23
  • 심사 : 2021.09.11
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


Sleep apnea refers to a condition in which a person does not breathe during sleep, and is a dangerous symptom that blocks oxygen supply in the body, causing various complications, and the elderly and infants can die if severe. In this paper, we present an algorithm that classifies sleep breathing by analyzing the intensity of breathing with images alone in preparation for the risk of sleep apnea. Only the chest of the person being measured is set to the Region of Interest (ROI) to determine the breathing strength by the differential image within the corresponding ROI area. The adult was selected as the target of the measurement and the breathing strength was measured accurately, and the difference in breathing intensity was also distinguished using depth information. Two videos of sleeping babies also show that even microscopic breathing motions smaller than adults can be detected, which is also expected to help prevent infant death syndrome (SIDS).



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