게이미피케이션을 이용한 장애인 안전교육의 필요성 연구

A Study on the Necessity of Safety Education for the Disabled Using Gamification

  • 투고 : 2021.05.24
  • 심사 : 2021.06.24
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


The effect of improving awareness by educational programs for improving the quality of daily life of the disabled and safety depends on the type of disability and individual differences, as well as the difficulty in evaluating education achievement and satisfaction. However, more effective programs can be developed and provided if the factors affecting the effectiveness of education can be identified. Training as one of the factors affecting effectiveness involves motivation. This is thought to be an important factor for any object regardless of the type of disability. It is recognized that "By providing programs for the disabled to immerse themselves, they can be motivated to participate in education and expect greater effects on educational effects." Gamification is convincing enough for general learning. Furthermore, a feature of gamification is the use of the game's structure to achieve its goal, which acts on participants' motivation. Some use game packages such as analog games and digital games, but some include gamification of activities themselves. The use of gamification in education has different characteristics from the development of businesses. Therefore, in this paper, we reviewed the current status and challenges with the aim of promoting the use of gamification in life safety education for the disabled.



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