미세조류 탈지세포잔류물의 미생물 배양 및 바이오에너지 생산으로의 재활용

Recycling of Lipid-extracted Algae Cell Residue for Microorganisms Cultivation and Bioenergy Production

  • 당낫민 (베트남 하노이 국립대학교) ;
  • 이기세 (명지대학교 환경에너지공학과)
  • Dang, Nhat Minh (VNU Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials for Green Growth, VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Kisay (Department of Environmental Engineering and Energy, Myongji University)
  • 투고 : 2021.09.13
  • 심사 : 2021.09.27
  • 발행 : 2021.10.10


Microalgae is one of the promising biodiesel feedstock with high growth rates compared to those of terrestrial oil crops. Despite its numerous advantages, biodiesel production from microalgae needs to reduce energy demand and material costs further to go to commercialization. During solvent extraction of microalgal lipids, lipid-extracted algae (LEA) cell residue is generated as an organic solid waste, about 80-85% of original algal biomass, and requires an appropriate recycling or economic disposal. The resulting LEA still contains significant amount of carbohydrates, proteins, N, P, and other micronutrients. This review will focus on recent advancement in the utilization of LEA as: (i) utilization as nutrients or carbon sources for microalgae and other organisms, (ii) anaerobic digestion to produce biogas or co-fermentation to produce CH4 and H2, and (iii) conversion to other forms of biofuel through thermochemical degradation processes. Possible mutual benefits in the integration of microalgae cultivation-biodiesel production-resulting LEA with anaerobic digestion and thermochemical conversion are also discussed.



This work was supported by 2021 Research Fund of Myongji University.


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