Nutritional Status according to the Frailty Status of the Elderly at Home in Seo-gu, Gwangju, Korea

광주광역시 서구 재가노인의 노쇠정도에 따른 영양상태

  • Kim, Ye Eun (Department of Food and Nutrition, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Heo, Young-Ran (Division of Food and Nutrition, Research Institute for Human Ecology, Chonnam National University)
  • 김예은 (전남대학교 대학원 식품영양학과) ;
  • 허영란 (전남대학교 식품영양과학부 및 생활과학연구소)
  • Received : 2021.10.01
  • Accepted : 2021.10.26
  • Published : 2021.10.31


Objectives: This study examined the nutritional status according to frailty status in the elderly at home. Methods: The participants were a total of 76 elderly at home living in Seo-gu, Gwangju, Korea. The nutritional status and frailty status were analyzed using the Nutrition Quotient for Elderly (NQ-E) and the Korean version of the Fatigue, Resistance, Ambulation, Illnesses and Loss of weight Scale (K-FRAIL), respectively. Results: The distribution of frailty status was robust (17.1%), pre-frailty (38.2%) and frailty (44.7%), and its distribution was significantly different in genders, age groups and the number of medications. The mean NQ-E score was 47.0 for total subjects, indicating a low grade. The scores of balance, diversity and dietary behavior factors were within the low grade, while the score of the moderation factor was within the medium-high grade. According to the frailty status, pre-frailty and frailty showed significantly higher scores for sugar-added beverages intake in the moderation constructs than robust. Robust showed significantly higher scores for the exercise hours and perception level for one's health than pre-frailty and frailty. Conclusions: These results suggest that nutrition status is associated with frailty status. Regular nutrition education and visiting nutrition service should be established to improve the balance and diversity of food intake and improve the dietary behavior of the elderly at home.



본 연구의 수행과정에서 자료 수집에 도움을 주신 광주광역시 서구청 통합돌봄과에 진심으로 감사드립니다.


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