Interaction between a hole and a crack in different layouts: Experimental and numerical study on concrete

  • Sarfaraz, Vahab (Department of Mining Engineering, Hamedan University of Technology) ;
  • Abharian, Soheil (Department of Mining and metallurgical engineering Amirkabir University) ;
  • Babanouri, Nima (Department of Mining Engineering, Hamedan University of Technology) ;
  • rad, Hossein Salari (Department of Mining and metallurgical engineering Amirkabir University)
  • Received : 2021.05.16
  • Accepted : 2021.09.29
  • Published : 2021.10.25


The micromechanical interactions between a crack and a circular hole under uniaxial compression were studied. Concrete samples with a dimension of 150 mm×150 mm×50 mm were prepared. Within the specimen, one joint and one hole were provided. The joint lengths were 1.5 cm and the hole diameter was 2 cm. The hole was situated middle of the sample. The Joint was situated in four different diagonal plane angle related to the hole. Diagonal plane angles were 0, 30, 60, and 90 degrees. In each diagonal plane angle, the joint angle changes from 0° to 90° with increments of 30°. The distance between the joint notch and the hole wall was 2 cm. A total of 16 different models were tested under compressive loading. Concurrent with experimental tests, the models containing the hole and joint were tested numerically by two-dimensional particle flow code (PFC2D). Tensile strength of material was 1 MPa. The axial load rate on the model was 0.05 mm/min. The results show that the failure behaviors of rock samples containing the hole and joint were governed by the configuration of the joint. The uniaxial compressive strengths of the samples were controlled by the scheme of crack propagation and failure process of pre-existing discontinuities. Furthermore, it was shown that the behavior of discontinuities is dictated by the frequency of the tensile fractures which increased as the joint angle was increased in each diagonal plane. Along with the damage failure of the samples, the AE activities are excited. At the beginning of loading, just a small number of AE hits were observed, however, AE hits quickly increase until the applied stress reaches its peak. AE hits rapidly grow before the applied stress reached its peak. Moreover, any stress reduction was followed by many AE hits. Finally, both the laboratory testing and the numerical simulation have identical failure patterns and failure strengths. The current study demonstrates the application and privilege of the application of the bonded-particle model to simulate crack propagation between a hole and a crack.



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