Five waterlogged wood artefacts were excavated from Suyeong-ri site in Hwaseong, South Korea. The aim of the present study was to identify the species and estimate the date of manufacture and the manufacturing method of these artefacts. The study also aimed to conserve the original shapes of waterlogged wood artefacts by using the vacuum freeze drying method. The two large waterlogged woods were identified as Ulmus spp. and Morus spp., whereas one of the three small waterlogged woods was identified as Abies spp. and the other two as hard pine. Radiocarbon dating using wiggle match dated the manufacturing of these wooden artefacts between BCE 8520-8490 or BCE 8470-8290 in the Neolithic age, and a similar period was also confirmed for seed excavated from a place close to the location where the waterlogged wood artefacts were excavated. The surface of waterlogged wood artefacts had several traces of manufacturing processes - traces of tearing and chopping - were observed. Based on these observations, it was confirmed that stone adz was used to make these wooden artefacts. Thereafter, the waterlogged wood samples were conserved by immersing them into PEG#4,000 of concentration in water from 10% to 40% at room temperature(15~25℃) and subjecting them to vacuum freeze drying. However, the internal moisture was not completely removed in some thick parts of waterlogged woods by applying the general schedule such as raising the shelf temperature as the surface temperature rises. Therefore, additional study is required using the schedule-method for vacuum freeze drying of large waterlogged wood.
본 연구에서는 화성시 수영리 유적에서 출토된 수침목제유물 5점을 대상으로 당시 사용된 목제의 수종과 조성시기, 가공방법 등을 확인하고, 진공동결건조법을 적용한 보존처리를 통해 원형을 유지하고자 하고자 하였다. 대형 목제 2점은 느릅나무속과 뽕나무속으로 확인되었고, 소형 목제 3점은 전나무속 1점과 소나무류 2점으로 확인되었다. 유물의 조성시기를 확인하고자 목제유물에 대해 위글매치를 이용한 방사성탄소연대측정을 실시하여 BCE 8520-8490년 또는 BCE 8470-8290년의 신석기시대로 확인되었고, 동반출토 된 종자류도 동일시기로 확인되었다. 표면에 가공흔적이 다수 관찰되었으며, 뜯겨진 흔적과 찍은 흔적이 관찰되어 석기 자귀를 주로 이용하여 목제를 가공했던 것으로 판단하였다. 보존처리는 상온(15~25℃)에서 PEG #4000 10%부터 40% 농도까지 함침 후 진공동결건조 하였다. 하지만 유물의 표면 온도 상승에 따라선반 온도를 상승시키는 일반적인 스케줄을 적용하여, 두꺼운 일부 부분에서는 내부 수분이 완벽히 제거되지 않아 대형수침목제의 진공동결건조 스케줄 방법에 대한 추가 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단하였다.