EMS Application Effect of Lower Extremities to Improve Static Balance Capability

정적 균형능력 향상을 위한 하지 의류의 EMS 적용 효과

  • Hwang, Sunkyu (Dept. of Smart Wearable Engineering, Soongsil University) ;
  • Park, Jinhee (Organic Materials and Fiber Engineering, Soongsil University) ;
  • Kim, Jooyong (Organic Materials and Fiber Engineering, Soongsil University)
  • 황선규 (숭실대학교 스마트웨어러블공학과) ;
  • 박진희 (숭실대학교 유기신소재파이버공학과) ;
  • 김주용 (숭실대학교 유기신소재파이버공학과)
  • Received : 2021.08.25
  • Accepted : 2021.09.25
  • Published : 2021.09.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there were improvements on balance when both ankle-jointed calf muscles and hip muscles, which affect balance capabilities, were activated through taping techniques and EMS. In this study, the One Leg Standing Test, a static balance test, was conducted by experimenting on a flat floor, foam pad, and a stretching board with a gradient of 20 degrees, respectively, to study static balance capabilities in different situations. Nine healthy men in their 20s were measured five times every five minutes considering muscle fatigue, and the difference between each variable was analyzed through post-test using nonparametric statistical analysis. Our results showed an equal increase in static balance capability was similar when EMS was applied only to calf muscles and only to hip muscles. Notably most improvements were seen when wearing calf supporters and taping technology pants, and applying EMS together. It was also found that the difference between EMS electric stimulation and balance capability was greater when wearing and applying supporters and taping technology pants. Based on the results of the present study, a muscle support band and EMS of taping techniques can improve balance capabilities. These findings are expected to form a basis for solutions Improving the balance capabilities



이 논문은 2021년도 정부(산업통상자원부)의 재원으로 한국산업기술진흥원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(P0012770, 2021년 산업혁신인재성장지원사업)


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