Mobile Payments from Merchants' Perspective: An Empirical Study Using the TAM Model in Saudi Arabia

  • Altwairesh, Reem (Management Information Systems Department College of Business Administration King Saud University) ;
  • Aloud, Monira (Management Information Systems Department College of Business Administration King Saud University)
  • Received : 2021.08.05
  • Published : 2021.08.30


This study aims to examine the factors that affect the intention of merchants to adopt mobile payments in Saudi Arabia. The underlying model used in the study is the technology acceptance model, which includes two factors: perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. The effects of trust, cost, and compatibility are also examined because these are among the common factors used based on the literature. An online questionnaire was completed by 242 merchants in Saudi Arabia who had already adopted mobile payment services. A significant relationship was identified between perceived usefulness and compatibility in terms of merchants' intention to adopt mobile payment systems, while an insignificant relationship was identified with perceived ease of use, trust, and cost.



The authors would like to thank Deanship of scientific research in King Saud University for funding and supporting this research through the initiative of DSR Graduate Students Research Support (GSR).


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