한반도 자생생물 조사·발굴 연구사업 고찰(2006~2020)

Review of the Korean Indigenous Species Investigation Project (2006-2020) by the National Institute of Biological Resources under the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea

  • 배연재 (환경부 국립생물자원관) ;
  • 조기종 (고려대학교 환경생태공학부) ;
  • 민기식 (인하대학교 생명과학과) ;
  • 김병직 (환경부 국립생물자원관) ;
  • 현진오 ((주)동북아생물다양성연구소) ;
  • 이진환 (상명대학교 생명과학과) ;
  • 이향범 (전남대학교 농생명화학과) ;
  • 윤정훈 (성균관대학교 식품생명공학과) ;
  • 황정미 (고려대학교 한국곤충연구소) ;
  • 염진화 (환경부 국립생물자원관)
  • Bae, Yeon Jae (National Institute of Biological Resources, Ministry of Environment) ;
  • Cho, Kijong (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University) ;
  • Min, Gi-Sik (Department of Biological Sciences, Inha University) ;
  • Kim, Byung-Jik (National Institute of Biological Resources, Ministry of Environment) ;
  • Hyun, Jin-Oh (Northeastern Asia Biodiversity Institute) ;
  • Lee, Jin Hwan (Department of Life Science, Sangmyung University) ;
  • Lee, Hyang Burm (Department of Agricultural Biological Chemistry, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Yoon, Jung-Hoon (Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Hwang, Jeong Mi (Korean Entomological Institute, Korea University) ;
  • Yum, Jin Hwa (National Institute of Biological Resources, Ministry of Environment)
  • 투고 : 2021.02.24
  • 심사 : 2021.03.25
  • 발행 : 2021.03.31


생물다양성협약(1992년)과 나고야의정서(2010년)의 체결 이후 우리나라는 한반도의 생물다양성 보전과 생물자원 확보를 위한 자생생물의 조사·발굴 연구에 박차를 가하였다. 이러한 계기로 2007년에 설립된 환경부 소속 국립생물자원관의 주도로 "한반도 자생생물 조사·발굴 연구사업"이 진행되었다. 본 사업은 2006년 이후 현재까지 15년 동안 5단계(1단계 2006~2008년, 2단계 2009~2011년, 3단계 2012~2014년, 4단계 2015~2017년, 5단계 2018~2020년)로 나누어 진행되었다. 연구의 결과, 본 사업의 이전에 29,916종(2006년)이던 한반도 자생생물이 본 사업의 각 단계가 마무리되는 시점에서 누계로 집계하여 볼 때, 1단계 33,253종(2008년), 2단계 38,011종(2011년), 3단계 42,756종(2014년), 4단계 49,027종(2017년), 그리고 5단계 54,428종(2020년)으로 급속히 증가하여 본 사업 기간 동안 한반도 자생생물 기록종이 약 1.8배 증가하였다. 이 통계자료는 이 기간 동안 연평균 2,320종의 한반도 미기록종이 새로이 기록된 것을 보여준다. 또한 전체 발굴종 중에서 총 5,242종의 신종을 기록하는 학술적 큰 성과를 거두었다. 분류군 별로는 총 연구 기간 동안 곤충 4,440종(신종 988종 포함), 무척추동물(곤충 제외) 4,333종(신종 1,492종 포함), 척추동물(어류) 98종(신종 9종 포함), 식물(관속식물과 선태식물) 309종(관속식물 176종, 선태식물 133종, 신종 39종 포함), 조류(algae) 1,916종(신종 178종 포함), 균류와 지의류 1,716종(신종 309종 포함), 그리고 원핵생물 4,812종(신종 2,226종 포함)이 한반도에서 새로이 기록되었다. 생물표본은 각 단계별로 집계하여 볼 때 1단계 247,226점(2008년), 2단계 207,827점(2011년), 3단계 287,133점(2014년), 4단계 244,920점(2017년), 그리고 5단계 144,333점(2020년)이 수집되어 연평균 75,429점, 총 1,131,439점의 생물표본이 채집되었다. 그중에서 곤충 281,054점, 곤충 이외의 무척추동물 194,667점, 척추동물(어류) 40,100점, 식물 378,251점, 조류(algae) 140,490점, 균류 61,695점, 그리고 원핵생물 35,182점이 채집되었다. 본 사업에 참여한 각 단계별 연구원/보조연구원(주로 대학원생)의 수는 1단계 597/268명, 2단계 522/191명, 3단계 939/292명, 4단계 575/852명, 그리고 5단계 601/1,097명으로 전체년도의 참여연구자는 연평균 395명, 총 연인원 약 5,000명이 참여하여 전국의 거의 모든 분류학자와 분류학 전공의 대학원생이 참여하였다. 본 사업 기간 동안 전문학술지 논문 3,488편(국내학술지 논문 2,320편, SCI급 국제학술지 논문 1,168편 포함)이 출판되었다. 본 사업 기간 중 자생생물 조사·발굴 사업 및 생물표본 확보 사업에 투입된 예산은 총 833억원(연평균 55억원)이다. 본 사업은 국가 주도의 대형 연구 프로젝트로서 전국의 거의 모든 분류학자가 참여하고 대규모 예산이 투입되어 단기간에 이루어 낸 한국식 압축성장의 한 성공 사례로 볼 수 있다. 본 사업의 종발굴 성과는 최근의 생물분류 체계로 분류되어 국가생물종목록으로 만들어졌으며, 전문가와 학생 및 일반 시민에게 제공되고 있다( 본 사업에서 파생된 기재문, DNA 염기 서열, 서식처, 분포, 생태, 이미지, 멀티미디어 등 각 종의 정보는 디지털화되어 생물의 계통, 진화 연구 등 학문적 발전에 기여하였고, 기후변화에 따른 지표종의 변화 같은 생물분포 모니터링 사업과 바이오산업의 생물소재를 탐색하는 기반이 되었다. 본 사업을 통하여 젊은 분류인력(주로 대학원생)의 양성을 지원할 수 있었던 것은 본 사업이 가져온 가장 의미 있는 성과라고 할 수 있다. 과거 15년간 숨 가쁘게 달려온 본 사업은 아직 진행 중이다. 그동안 발굴된 종들에 대한 이명(synonym)과 오동정 등을 바로잡아 학문적인 완성도를 높이고, 한반도에 존재하리라 예상되는 약 10만 종의 자생생물 중에서 남겨진 5만 종에 대한 조사·발굴 연구가 지속되어야 한다.

Korea has stepped up efforts to investigate and catalog its flora and fauna to conserve the biodiversity of the Korean Peninsula and secure biological resources since the ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992 and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits (ABS) in 2010. Thus, after its establishment in 2007, the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) of the Ministry of Environment of Korea initiated a project called the Korean Indigenous Species Investigation Project to investigate indigenous species on the Korean Peninsula. For 15 years since its beginning in 2006, this project has been carried out in five phases, Phase 1 from 2006-2008, Phase 2 from 2009-2011, Phase 3 from 2012-2014, Phase 4 from 2015-2017, and Phase 5 from 2018-2020. Before this project, in 2006, the number of indigenous species surveyed was 29,916. The figure was cumulatively aggregated at the end of each phase as 33,253 species for Phase 1 (2008), 38,011 species for Phase 2 (2011), 42,756 species for Phase 3 (2014), 49,027 species for Phase 4 (2017), and 54,428 species for Phase 5(2020). The number of indigenous species surveyed grew rapidly, showing an approximately 1.8-fold increase as the project progressed. These statistics showed an annual average of 2,320 newly recorded species during the project period. Among the recorded species, a total of 5,242 new species were reported in scientific publications, a great scientific achievement. During this project period, newly recorded species on the Korean Peninsula were identified using the recent taxonomic classifications as follows: 4,440 insect species (including 988 new species), 4,333 invertebrate species except for insects (including 1,492 new species), 98 vertebrate species (fish) (including nine new species), 309 plant species (including 176 vascular plant species, 133 bryophyte species, and 39 new species), 1,916 algae species (including 178 new species), 1,716 fungi and lichen species(including 309 new species), and 4,812 prokaryotic species (including 2,226 new species). The number of collected biological specimens in each phase was aggregated as follows: 247,226 for Phase 1 (2008), 207,827 for Phase 2 (2011), 287,133 for Phase 3 (2014), 244,920 for Phase 4(2017), and 144,333 for Phase 5(2020). A total of 1,131,439 specimens were obtained with an annual average of 75,429. More specifically, 281,054 insect specimens, 194,667 invertebrate specimens (except for insects), 40,100 fish specimens, 378,251 plant specimens, 140,490 algae specimens, 61,695 fungi specimens, and 35,182 prokaryotic specimens were collected. The cumulative number of researchers, which were nearly all professional taxonomists and graduate students majoring in taxonomy across the country, involved in this project was around 5,000, with an annual average of 395. The number of researchers/assistant researchers or mainly graduate students participating in Phase 1 was 597/268; 522/191 in Phase 2; 939/292 in Phase 3; 575/852 in Phase 4; and 601/1,097 in Phase 5. During this project period, 3,488 papers were published in major scientific journals. Of these, 2,320 papers were published in domestic journals and 1,168 papers were published in Science Citation Index(SCI) journals. During the project period, a total of 83.3 billion won (annual average of 5.5 billion won) or approximately US $75 million (annual average of US $5 million) was invested in investigating indigenous species and collecting specimens. This project was a large-scale research study led by the Korean government. It is considered to be a successful example of Korea's compressed development as it attracted almost all of the taxonomists in Korea and made remarkable achievements with a massive budget in a short time. The results from this project led to the National List of Species of Korea, where all species were organized by taxonomic classification. Information regarding the National List of Species of Korea is available to experts, students, and the general public ( The information, including descriptions, DNA sequences, habitats, distributions, ecological aspects, images, and multimedia, has been digitized, making contributions to scientific advancement in research fields such as phylogenetics and evolution. The species information also serves as a basis for projects aimed at species distribution and biological monitoring such as climate-sensitive biological indicator species. Moreover, the species information helps bio-industries search for useful biological resources. The most meaningful achievement of this project can be in providing support for nurturing young taxonomists like graduate students. This project has continued for the past 15 years and is still ongoing. Efforts to address issues, including species misidentification and invalid synonyms, still have to be made to enhance taxonomic research. Research needs to be conducted to investigate another 50,000 species out of the estimated 100,000 indigenous species on the Korean Peninsula.



본 논문의 원고 작성에 있어서 김선이(국립생물자원관)는 국립생물자원관에서 산출된 통계자료를 대조하여 그래프를 작성하였고, 각 분야의 원고의 취합과 정리에 큰 도움을 주었다. 이치우(인하대학교)는 무척추동물, 나혜련((주)동북아생물다양성연구소)은 식물, 안현숙(고려대학교 부설 한국곤충연구소)은 곤충 분야의 자료 정리와 원고작성에 도움을 주었다. 하둘연(국립생물자원관)은 초록의 영문 번역에 도움을 주었다. 본 논문에 사용된 대부분의 자생생물 사진은 참고문헌에 제시된 자생생물 조사·발굴 사업 보고서(NIBR 2007~2019) 또는 본 사업의 결과로서 다른 출판물에 사용된 사진을 재사용하였음을 밝혀둔다. 본 연구는 환경부 국립생물자원관의 한반도 자생생물 조사·발굴 연구사업의 지원으로 이루어졌다.


  1. Ariyawansa HA, KD Hyde, SC Jayasiri ... and T Hernawati. 2015. Fungal diversity notes 111-252: Taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Divers. 75:27-274.
  2. Hyde KD, S Hongsanan, R Jeewon ... and L Zhu. 2016. Fungal diversity notes 367-490: Taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Divers. 80:1-270.
  3. Korean National Council for Conservation of Nature. 1996. Bibliographic Study of the Korean Biota - Species List of Korea. Ministry of Environment. Sejong, Korea. p. 191.
  4. Lee HW, TTT Nguyen, HY Mun, H Lee, C Kim and HB Lee. 2015. Confirmation of two undescribed fungal species from Dokdo of Korea based on current classification system using multi loci. Mycobiology 43:392-401.
  5. Ministry of Environment of Korea. 2005. First Master Plan for the Conservation of Wild Animals and Plants (2006-2010). Ministry of Environment. Sejong, Korea. p. 135.
  6. National Biodiversity Center. 2015. Biodiversity Statistics of Korea 2014. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  7. National Biodiversity Center. 2017. Biodiversity Statistics of Korea 2016. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  8. National Biodiversity Center. 2018. Biodiversity Statistics of Korea 2017. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  9. National Biodiversity Center. 2019. Biodiversity Statistics of Korea 2018. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  10. National Biodiversity Center. 2020. Biodiversity Statistics of Korea 2019. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  11. Nguyen TTT and HB Lee. 2020. Mucor cheongyangensis, a new species isolated from the surface of Lycorma delicatula in Korea. Phytotaxa 446:33-42.
  12. NIBR. 2007. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  13. NIBR. 2008. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [2]. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  14. NIBR. 2009. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3]. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  15. NIBR. 2010a. Compilation of National List of Indigenous Species of the Korean Peninsula. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  16. NIBR. 2010b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [2-1]. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  17. NIBR. 2011a. 2011 Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [2- 3]: Invertebrates. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  18. NIBR. 2011b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [2-2]. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  19. NIBR. 2012a. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [2-3]: Fish. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  20. NIBR. 2012b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Prokaryotes & Fungi[2-3]. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  21. NIBR. 2012c. 2011 Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  22. NIBR. 2012d. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-1]: Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  23. NIBR. 2012e. 2012 Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Vertebrates-Fish. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  24. NIBR. 2012f. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-1]: Fungi. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  25. NIBR. 2012g. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [2-3]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  26. NIBR. 2012h. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-1]: Prokaryotes I. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  27. NIBR. 2012i. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-1]: Prokaryotes II. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  28. NIBR. 2012j. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-1]: Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  29. NIBR. 2012k. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-1]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  30. NIBR. 2012l. 2012 Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Invertebrates. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  31. NIBR. 2013a. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea[3-2]: Fungi. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  32. NIBR. 2013b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Invertebrates I. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  33. NIBR. 2013c. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Invertebrates II. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  34. NIBR. 2013d. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-2]: Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  35. NIBR. 2013e. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-2]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  36. NIBR. 2013f. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-2]: Prokaryotes I. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  37. NIBR. 2013g. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-2]: Prokaryotes II. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  38. NIBR. 2013h. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-2]: Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  39. NIBR. 2013i. 2013 Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-2]: Vertebrates-Fish. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  40. NIBR. 2014a. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-3]: Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  41. NIBR. 2014b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-3]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  42. NIBR. 2014c. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea[3-3]: Fungi. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  43. NIBR. 2014d. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-3]: Prokaryotes I. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  44. NIBR. 2014e. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-3]: Prokaryotes II. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  45. NIBR. 2014f. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [3-3]: Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  46. NIBR. 2014g. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Invertebrates I. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  47. NIBR. 2014h. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Invertebrates II. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  48. NIBR. 2015a. Compilation of Inventory of National Biological Resources VIII. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  49. NIBR. 2015b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-1]: Fungi. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  50. NIBR. 2015c. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-1]: Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  51. NIBR. 2015d. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-1]: Prokaryotes. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  52. NIBR. 2015e. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-1]: Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  53. NIBR. 2015f. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-1]: Invertebrates. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  54. NIBR. 2015g. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-1]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  55. NIBR. 2016a. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-2]: Prokaryotes. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  56. NIBR. 2016b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-2]: Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  57. NIBR. 2016c. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea[4-2]: Fungi. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  58. NIBR. 2016d. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-2]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  59. NIBR. 2016e. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-2]: Invertebrates. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  60. NIBR. 2016f. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-2]: Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  61. NIBR. 2017a. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-3]: Prokaryotes. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  62. NIBR. 2017b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-3]: Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  63. NIBR. 2017c. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-3]: Fungi. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  64. NIBR. 2017d. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-3]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  65. NIBR. 2017e. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-3]: Invertebrates. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  66. NIBR. 2017f. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [4-3]: Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  67. NIBR. 2018a. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [5-1]: Invertebrates. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  68. NIBR. 2018b. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [5-1]: Fungi. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  69. NIBR. 2018c. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [5-1]: Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  70. NIBR. 2018d. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [5-1]: Prokaryotes. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  71. NIBR. 2018e. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Meiofauna. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  72. NIBR. 2018f. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [5-1]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  73. NIBR. 2019a. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [5-2]: Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  74. NIBR. 2019b. Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species [5-2]: Invertebrates. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  75. NIBR. 2019c. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea[5-2]: Fungi. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  76. NIBR. 2019d. Survey of Indigenous Algae in Korea (1). National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  77. NIBR. 2019e. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [5-2]: Prokaryotes. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  78. NIBR. 2019f. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea [5-2]: Plants. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  79. NIBR. 2019g. Survey of Indigenous Species of Korea: Meiofauna. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  80. NIBR. 2019h. National Species List of Korea I. Plants, Fungi, Algae, Prokaryotes. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  81. NIBR. 2019i. National Species List of Korea II. Vertebrates, Invertebrates, Protozoans. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  82. NIBR. 2019j. National Species List of Korea III. Insects. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  83. NIBR. 2019k. The Compilation of Inventory of National Biological Resources [3-4]. National Institute of Biological Resources. Incheon, Korea.
  84. Norton TA, M Melkonian and RA Andersen. 1996. Algal biodiversity. Phycologia 35:308-326.