A Method for Learning the Specialized Meaning of Terminology through Mixed Word Embedding

혼합 임베딩을 통한 전문 용어 의미 학습 방안

  • 김병태 (국민대학교 비즈니스 IT 전문대학원) ;
  • 김남규 (국민대학교 비즈니스 IT 전문대학원)
  • Received : 2021.04.21
  • Accepted : 2021.05.27
  • Published : 2021.06.30


Purpose In this study, first, we try to make embedding results that reflect the characteristics of both professional and general documents. In addition, when disparate documents are put together as learning materials for natural language processing, we try to propose a method that can measure the degree of reflection of the characteristics of individual domains in a quantitative way. Approach For this study, the Korean Supreme Court Precedent documents and Korean Wikipedia are selected as specialized documents and general documents respectively. After extracting the most similar word pairs and similarities of unique words observed only in the specialized documents, we observed how those values were changed in the process of embedding with general documents. Findings According to the measurement methods proposed in this study, it was confirmed that the degree of specificity of specialized documents was relaxed in the process of combining with general documents, and that the degree of dissolution could have a positive correlation with the size of general documents.



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