• 투고 : 2021.04.05
  • 발행 : 2021.04.30


The introduction of digital technologies affects most socio-economic processes and activities in the economy, from agriculture to public services. Even though the world is currently only in the early stages of digital transformation, the digital economy is growing rapidly, especially in developing countries. Shortly, digital platforms will be able to replace the "invisible hand" of the market and turn it into digital. Some digital platforms have already reached global reach in some sectors of the economy. The growing value of data and artificial intelligence is reflected in the high capitalization of these enterprises. Their growing role has far-reaching consequences for the organization of economic activity and integration into the field of e-business. However, their importance and level of development in different countries differ significantly. The main purpose of this article is an assessment of the level and trends of the digital economy in the world and the identification of homogeneous groups of states following the main trends in the development of its components from among the EU countries. The methodology of the conducted research is based on the use of general scientific research methods in the analysis of secondary sources and the application of statistical methods of correlation-regression and cluster analysis. Macroeconomic indicators and components of DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) were used for the analysis. Results. Based on the analysis established that most developed countries have a medium level of digitalization of the business environment and a high level of digitalization of socially oriented public services, while countries with lower GDP focus their policies on building digital infrastructure and training qualified personnel. The study summarizes and analyzes current trends in digital technology, analyzes the level and dynamics of integration of digital technologies of the studied EU countries, the level of development of e-business and e-commerce. The conceptualization of mechanisms of creation of added value in the digital economy is offered and the possible consequences of digitalization of the economy of developing countries are generalized.



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