Modeling in System Engineering: Conceptual Time Representation

  • Received : 2021.03.05
  • Published : 2021.03.30


The increasing importance of such fields as embedded systems, pervasive computing, and hybrid systems control is increasing attention to the time-dependent aspects of system modeling. In this paper, we focus on modeling conceptual time. Conceptual time is time represented in conceptual modeling, where the notion of time does not always play a major role. Time modeling in computing is far from exhibiting a unified and comprehensive framework, and is often handled in an ad hoc manner. This paper contributes to the establishment of a broader understanding of time in conceptual modeling based on a software and system engineering model denoted thinging machine (TM). TM modeling is founded on a one-category ontology called a thimac (thing/machine) that is used to elaborate the design and analysis of ontological presumptions. The issue under study is a sample of abstract modeling domains as exemplified by time. The goal is to provide better understanding of the TM model by supplementing it with a conceptualization of time aspects. The results reveal new characteristics of time and related notions such as space, events, and system behavior.



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