The Background and Truth of the Controversy over kimchi Suzerainty, And Countermeasures - Focusing on the Birth, Process, and Uniqueness of kimchi -

김치 종주국 논란의 배경과 진실, 그리고 대응 방안 - 김치의 탄생과 변화 과정 및 독특성을 중심으로 -

  • Kim, Hong-Ryul (Department of Hotel and Food Management, Cheongju University Korea Humanities Institute of Food)
  • 김홍렬 (청주대학교 호텔외식경영학과, 한국음식인문학연구원)
  • Received : 2021.06.21
  • Accepted : 2021.06.30
  • Published : 2021.06.30


What is the origin of kimchi and what changes did it go through to become the kimchi of today? Also, what makes kimchi different from other pickled vegetables such as Chinese paochai, Japanese tsukemono, and Western pickles, and sauerkraut, and what is the identity of kimchi? This study is the result of thought on these fundamental questions about kimchi which is the only pickled vegetable distributed around the world that uses a fermented and ripened animal seasoning called jeotgal (salted marine life) to dramatically improve its umami taste and nutritional value, thereby securing its uniqueness. Kimchi has further evolved into a unique and high-quality pickled vegetable through the use of its specialized seasoning, adopting a composite fermentation mechanism and absorbing new ingredients such as red pepper. It is expected that this paper will invigorate the discussion on the firm establishment of the identity of kimchi and the future direction that it may take.



이 논문은 지난 4월 16일 개최된 2021년 (사)한국식생활문화학회 춘계학술대회에서 발표된 동일제목의 발제문을 일부 보완한 것입니다. 발표와 논문 게재의 기회를 주신 학회에 감사드립니다.


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