인도의 민관협력사업(PPP): 분쟁사례와 분쟁해결유형

Cases of Disputes and Patterns of Dispute Resolution in the Area of Public-Private Partnership(PPP) in India

  • 정용균 (국립강원대학교 춘천캠퍼스 국제무역학과)
  • Chung, Yongkyun (Department of International Trade and Business, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2021.05.09
  • 심사 : 2021.05.31
  • 발행 : 2021.06.01


India is one of the fast growing country in the world. For the acceleration of economic growth of India, it is indispensable for Indian government to construct infrastructure, such as railroad, airport, harbor, power plant, and water management system. For example, Modi, prime minister of federal government of India proclaimed that Indian government plans to construct 100 smart cities in 2015. In recent times, India is expected to be the largest recipient of Public-Private Partnership(PPP) type projects in the world. Owing to PPP, it is possible for India to pursue her objective to transform the whole economy into digital economy beyond agricultural society. One of major problem related with implementation of PPP type projects is the growth of disputes concomitant to the rising phenomena of PPP type projects in order to build infrastructure in India. Because of this, non-negligible number of projects has been cancelled during last two decades. This study investigates seven failure cases of PPP in India. Those include Nabi mumbai airport, Dabhol power plant, Munbai water project, and Kolkata subway project. Main types of dispute resolution are mediation or conciliation, dispute review board, arbitration, expert adjudication in PPP.



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